Friday 4 July 2014

Friggin Friday

Hola Dora. So today I shall just blog about my  day even though I am slowly considering skipping the day because I am so tired it is unbelievable. I might just make this brief then.

Pre-Lessons: Barely had any time to chat to anyone. Went where's Maddy and at that exact moment she walked in the room. I am so magic. 

Psychology: Started by talking about this facebook thing. Then watched a small video on the marshmallow test and I unknowingly said inappropriate things. Then we had to do our projects but no-one was sure what they were doing so I sat next to Jass in the study centre and completed some biology notes.

Break time: Amy got really paranoid about the assassins game and would not sit near anyone. Giancarlo was going on about his magic juice, and I can't remember the rest. 

Media Studies: I finished my essay on Wes Anderson and began my work for the productions where we have to come up with our own Wes Anderson film. I used a random name generator and came up with the title The Smashing Antwerp Tea Party which sounded awesome because tea parties. 

Mentor: Spoke about our personal statements, and got sad it was our last mentor session before summer holidays :'(

Lunch: Amy witnessed a murder,  IT JUST A FRIGGIN GAME GUYS! Then some inappropriate conversations happened because Giancarlo kept staring at Emily's hole, and was saying I would squirt juice everywhere. And it turns out Giancarlo doesn't have a test tube or a petri dish. It's just smoothed over down there. 

Biology: Emily and I completed our presentation which we started yesterday and it wasn't so bad. Literally all we did that lesson.

Post-Lessons: Waited for bus home  and once on the bus realised Amy was all alone on the late bus. I felt awful on the way home. I'm sorry Amy :/ Then when I got home I was greeted with a takeaway, which was delicious. 

Ok it's sleep times now. Night. See you in the 'morrow! 
But don't you have the weekend off?
Shh, I can't just replace my catchphrase

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