Friday 11 July 2014


Hello! You may or may not be happy to know that my ills has died down a little, so today I decided to go to school! Even though my mum gave me the option to stay at home I missed everyone too much so I wents. 

When I got there people were like HEY and I was feeling ughs but braved it for peeps, and then I made my way to Media. It was super quiet as everyone was just doing their fake coursework, and I was chilling listening to music. Then randomly Jessie and I had a small conversation about how realistic some of Maddy's Sim creations looked. 

After this was lunch where Giancarlo and co seemes to have purchased Ice cream, two packs of sprinkled doughnuts and a doughnut cake. Which looked so dry I didn't eat it. Then people were complaining at me for the way I eat doughnuts and Emma gave me a death stare when I said I wasn't too fond of sprinkles. Then there was some chatter, cuddling and Maddy randomly kissing me on the cheek. 

Next was psychology where we watched this thing about how people cut lines and fortune telling, and how you remember things better if the person says your name during conversations to keep your attention. Also about how if you are told you are good at something you will continue to be good at it, or gain better skills.Then I wents to the bus stop and waited like forever for a bus. 

And now I am home, watching youtubes and blogging before I go and play sims, because yes I am still addicted. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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