Monday 30 June 2014

4 Days of Weird

Hey, long time no speaky. But on Friday I fell asleep before I could blog and then there was my whole I'm not going to blog and weekends, and thus here we are. So I shall talk about the previous 4 days and yeah. Fun.

So Friday: Jesus how am I supposed to remember Friday. *Remembers part of Friday* hehe I can't tell you that. Anywho...I walked to school and got there for about break and for the life of me I cannot remember what happened. So we move onto media studies with Mr Champion and we go into F4 and complete some work on Wes Anderson. We saw Giancarlo in F4 and Champs was happy to see him again, then as Giancarlo left he did this weird creeper dinosaur, and I started laughing. After this was lunch and it was really rainy. Like bad. And I went for a small walk in it. Literally out for like half a minute came back inside and was drenched. Then it was an hour of psychology where we did things? Genuinely cannot remember anything. OH OH WAIT! We watched a video! On Relationships and tells and how girls show they like a guy and it lead to people just pulling really creepy faces at each other. Also Mrs Chinnery insulted some of the guys by suggesting they couldn't get girls. Then I got the bus home once it had stopped raining. 

Saturday: Pretty much a lazy day, watched some youtube and tv.

Sunday: The world's almost laziest day. I watched loads of once upon a time and started fangirling over hot evil guy. I don't know what it is but I tend to have a thing for an evil guy. So this was most of my day until I desperately wanted some Orange Juice so trekked to the shop to get some. I found that we actually had a carton at home. OH WELL MORE ORANGE JUICE FOR ME!

Monday (today): I went to 6th form and was super tired, and Jessie arrived and we were talking about the weather and how weird it has been lately. Then we went into the study centre and Maddy decided she wanted to be an ambassador with me. (The new year 12's had an induction day and some of us signed up to help) So Maddy and I headed to the hall and offered people our juice, (wow that sounded really creepy) not many people wanted it, but we managed to hand out a bit. Then we sat in the hall through a really boring talk, which was made more interesting by our own conversations. Then Maddy and I went to one of the taster classes to see if we could help. We tried to go into the new course because it's unfair because that course would have been perfect for me, but too many people were there so we headed to Philosophy for no real reason other than I wanted to see Mr Claydon. We asked some philosophical questions and the time was rather enjoyable, Then it was break where I wasn't allowed cake and I almost slut dropped Jessie. After this I went to the Biology taster with Giancarlo and Emily and we played with the rats and failed to help people with their microscopes. Then I went to further maths with Maddy and I actually answered some maths correctly! I could have taken further maths, not that I'd want to. And thus that was over so it was lunch. Where I got a load of snapchats off Amy, fell off a chair, attacked Jessie, and shared a coke with modude. Then I went to my double lesson of psychology where we did a practical, with woodlice, and guys Brian was back, and causing yet more trouble. then people were mean to me saying I was a woodlouse whisperer. Then I went home on the late bus with Emily, where we were amazed that my phone had lasted so long on such little battery life. 

And that was my four days of well weirdness I guess. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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