Thursday 24 July 2014

Mad and A Little Bit of Bowling

If you are reading this, I can only assume you have read the previous blog first. If not, why not? DO THINGS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! Anywho... Basically this is my kind of trial for starting "vlogs". As you can tell by the title there are going to have catchy headings that closely relate to the name of my blog, clever huh? No? Oh Whatever... Moving on... So I found some footage on my laptop from ages ago....Lish's Birthday party to be precise. And I decided to edit that together and make a cutesie little vlog out of it. I also wrote a blog post about that day so if you want to read that Click Here! 

Anywho this is a video up on my new youtube channel (same name as this blog to make things easier, don't worry I will make it look all pretty later) and it is basically just a few clips of my friends and I attempting bowling. So please enjoy, and yeah! Let me know if I should do more things like this. Or not. Your call. 

See you in the 'morrow!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for mentioning my blog sweetie :) loves ya x
