Wednesday 16 July 2014

Chilling and Media Work

Hello! Another short blog today as not much can really be said about the events. You will have to forgive me, but I feel sometimes shorter blogs are better because you don't have to read through loads of writing, that you probably don't even remember anyway, yet you still get something to take you mind off whatever you are meant to be doing right now. 

So as we are supposed to be doing work this week, I went round Jessie to complete our Media work. I got there at around 1 and we chilled for like 15 minutes before starting work. It began with the prep for pictures, like getting props and things, and for mine we needed things for a tea party (which is why I sent a picture of a tea set to people on snapchat, it was not just for us to drink tea! Even though we did that as well, cause why the fuck not?) So we took the pictures we needed, and in between that we sent people some snapchats. 

And thus we were finished, an hour after me arriving. Which is good for me and Jessie cause usually when I plan to do media work with her we sit there for hours chilling and then think crap we have to do our media work, but today we were responsible. So once we were finished we chilled playing games and going on facebook. Then Momo arrived with a Mcdonalds for himself and we discussed when Mcdonalds was invented. Then Giancarlo disappeared, Jessie and I ate some ice cream and Momo returned with Eddie. But like half an hour later I had to leave, so I left and came home and watched youtubes and did some work, and here we are. 

That was actually pretty reasonably sized. See you in the 'morrow!

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