Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Irritating Ughs

Hello, I know I have been writing short posts lately but I'm sorry today is going to be the same. Mainly for I am ills. I know I am always ills, but I think because I am a very huggy person and always invading people's personal space I just pick up random illnesses. 

So today was literally me feeling ill from the moment I started waiting for a bus. WHICH DIDN'T SHOW! So I gots my mum to give me a lift, but looking back I should have taken the day off. But I went in none the less and had a torcherous 4 hours of private study because I just felt so ugh. At least I wasn't alone though cause for the four hours I had Maddy due to cancelled lessons and things. I also had SIobhan and Gemma period 1 and 2 and they all thought I was weird when I was laughing at youtube videos. I was doing work also I had a fun split screen setup going on. 

Then it was break and I was all ugh and then I went back to private study, this time without youtubes and made some biology notes. Then I felt so bad I contemplated going home, but I braved its and got some yazoo and felt a bit better. During lunch there was snapchatting and not much else. Then it was Media which was super quiet and weird but it was our last lesson with Mr Galley :'( 

Late bus home was ok it went straight to Horsford and went down Horsbeck way so I gots to my house faster yay! Now I am feeling awful and ughs and I'm going to try be better cause I hate being like this because it is irritating! 

See you in the 'morrow!

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