Friday 18 July 2014

The British Tag

IT'S TOO HOT FOR LIFE! I think this is my new catchphrase. I've said it a lot recently, because everytime I go and do something it is just too hot and I don't want to do it anymore. As you can tell by the title this is The British Tag, and yes Lish thank you for letting me borrow this idea from you. So here we go: 

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day and how many sugars? I really love tea, but I rarely drink it at home because it means I'll have to make the household a cup, so yeah. But I had two cups at Jessie's this week in really fancy ass tea cups. Also I don't add sugar cause I don't like adding sugar to things, and tea tastes perfectly good on it's own.
2. Favourite part of your roast? Well as a vegetarian I don't like the meat, so that's out. But I love everything else. Mainly it would have to be Yorkshire puddings, sometimes Hal and I just make some on their own and eat them as a snack. However my  Nanny makes the best homemade roast potatoes. 
3. Favourite dunking biscuit? You cannot go wrong with a classic rich tea biscuit. 
4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime? Definitely a tea party.

5. Favourite word? Dandy! 
6. Cockney Rhyming slang? Don't really know any *googles this shit* ok I like Rub-a-Dub which means pub.
7. Favourite sweet? hmm...Those Lollies I don't know the name of (great work there Elli)
8. What would your pub be called?  Well before I found the answer to 6. It was going to be Puzzles (Someone please get the HIMYM reference) but now it just has to be The Rub-A-Dub Pub.
9. Number 1 British person? My mum.
10. Favourite Shop/Restaurant? Shop- Primark (only place I really go) Restaurant- NANDOS!
11. What British song pops into your head? The Kinks- Sunny Afternoon
12. Marmite? UGH NO!

So that was that. Pretty interesting, parts of me think that doesn't make me sound very British, but what the hell. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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