Monday 28 July 2014

How To Make: Loombands (Single)

The weekend is over, and it is back to blogging. But since it is the summer holidays I don't really do a lot, so that means I really lack in blog content. So I was stalking my friends blogs and found that they were making how to: videos for baking. Well I don't bake so don't expect me to show how to make you some delicious treats. Instead I am going to show you something that follows an annoying craze. I am going to show you how to make Loombands. 

As I have mastered the skill in making a variety of loombands it means I can spread out this content amongst the weeks, and then I don't really have to think much about what to blog about. However I feel no-one will care for loombands by the time I am finished. I guess it will be nice to have if the craze ever came back. I wish scoobies came back. Anyone remember them?

Anywho...In this post I will show you how to make these loombands. The simplest of loombands. They are called singles because they can never find a lover, as no-one is willing to put a ring on it. But I will show you two methods to make these beauties. 

What you will need: 
A loom board (only for second method) 
A crochet hook (again only for second method) 
An S clip
And a fuck load of loombands. 

Step 1: Choose a colour and grab it!
Step 2: Take your next band (you can choose a different colour) 
and fold it around the first one
Step 3: Continue this again and again.
(Around 24 will make a reasonably sized bracelet)
Step 4: You should have something like this,
unless something has gone horribly wrong.
(Not sure this counts as a step)
Step 5: Grab an S clip.
Step 6: Attach it to the band like so.

Step 7: Attach it to the other side of the loomband, if not, it's not a bracelet.
Step 8: Wear it and look fabulous.
So that's how you can make the bracelets without the board, but just incase you are curious (or do not understand the other method. Here is how to make a loomband, using a loom board and a crochet hook. 
Step 1: Place desired band diagonally (not diagon alley) onto the hooks. (Ensure the semicircle is facing you, like in the picture.)
Step 2: Place second band diagonally like the picture
(this is what the pictures are for people!)
Step 3: Do the same with the third band (and so on and so forth)
Until you reach the end of the loom board.
Step 4: (Again not sure if this is really a step)
 You should have something that looks like this. 
Step 5: (The complicated part...kinda) Turn to the last band you added.
Ignore it, and unhook the second to last
                                       (e.g pink.) and hook it on to it's own peg.
Step 6: Unhook the next band and hook it over.
Step 7: Continue this with the rest of the bands
(You should get the picture by now)
Step 8: (Just another check up really) It should look something like this.
Step 9: Return to the starting end (from way in the beginning)
                  And place the crochet hook under the first band.
Step 10: Lift it off the peg, and keep it on the hook.
Step 11: (THE BEST BIT!!!) Pull off the bands from the board using the hook.
Step 12: You should have something like this.
Step 13: Remove the band from the hook
and pinch the fold.
Step 14: Add an s clip to that end of the band.
Step 15: Attach the clip to the other side to form the bracelet.
Step 16: You can now look fantabulous.

And TWADA! You should now have mastered the skill. Unless these were useless in which case I am sorry, I tried my best. But I will return and try to show you some more exciting loom band creations.

See you in the 'morrow!

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