Tuesday 8 July 2014

My Sims 3 Addiction

Hello, today didn't really strike me as that eventful so instead I am going to write a quick post about my Sims 3 addiction. Mainly a quick post because I desperately want to play it now but can't because I have to blog. 

Anywho, so on Saturday I had no work to do and I ran out of new youtube videos to watch. So I decided to play sims 3. This began when I was watching Dlive play it on youtube and I missed it so much. Therefore I started to play it. At first I was a little annoyed cause it kept behaving badly so I was about to give up, when it worked! So then I played it for like 5 hours straight. After that I decided to take a break and watch youtube and spend some time on facebook but soon enough I was back to the imaginary world. 

Then I played again on Sunday because I had nothing else to do and basically played it all day. It's so addicting once you start playing and you kind of forget what the time is because you are lost in the world of your sim. I even played it yesterday after school until like 11pm. But don't worry guys I got a lay in this morning so I didn't suffer from lack of sleep. 

Ok I am going to go play this wonderful game now because I am so incredibly addicted. Bye!

See you in the 'morrow!

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