Thursday 3 July 2014

*Insert Suitable Title Here*

Good evening. However it may not be evening by the time you read this, so good *insert correct time period here*. So I returned to 6th form after my crappy day yesterday and was so tired. I sat in the common room all alone for like 15 minutes as literally no other soul was there. But then Jassums arrived and all was good. Then slowly more people turned up, like Aims who kept questioning where to sit. 

So soon enough the bell rang and I headed to double biology. We learnt about Kidney stuff and she gave us this task which we have to complete for tomorrow. Which frustrates me because I spent time on a power point last night. WHICH SHE DIDN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT! And now I have to spend tonight on this. Ugh. However this time I have Emily to help me so it isn't that bad.

After this was break and the assassins paranoia continued around me and I was like, ha I'm safe bitches! Following break I went to private study, even though technically I could have just gone home. But I sat with Emily and Siobhan searching Uni's and how far away they were, ordering them by preference, and thinking of things to include in my personal statement. Then I briefly did some biology work. 

However we got slightly bored and sidetracked and started figuring out how many hours we had left in school. Turns out it is an average of 35, and 11 of them are private study. Fuck my life.  And that was my day.

See you in the 'morrow!

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