Friday 25 July 2014

The Hypothetical Situation

Hey, so today is something different. Well not really cause it's a tag and I do tags all the time, but today I stole the idea off newbie blogger Maddy. So this is the Hypothetical situations tag and you should check out Maddy's version as well if you need something good to read. :P Enjoy!

1. If you could live anywhere on earth, where would you live?
 Hmm probably Japan, cause it looks so cool over there, but I probably won't actually live there.
2. Would you be willing to reduce your lifespan by 10 years to become rich and famous?Definitely not.
3. If you won $1,000,000 on the lottery, what would you do? Save some for future purposes, share with friends and family, and donate to some charities. 
4. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat? Pineapple

5. Would you rather be deaf or blind? I'd rather be deaf, because sometimes people's voices just irritate me. 
6. If you were in X-Men, what would your mutation be? I do like Rogues ability to steal the power of others. 
7. If you were really a robot, would you want to know? Nah.
8. If an inexplicable phenomenon occurs and it gives you the "right of alternate history". You get the chance to rewrite a moment in your past. What would you change? How would it change your actual life? I think things would be very different if I changed the thing I wish to change, but things are pretty great now so I don't see the need to change it. The past the past, it should just stay there.
9. If you could have complete knowledge of any 5 things, what would you want to know? How to speak Japanese. How a guys mind works. How to speak cat. That's all I really want to know. The other two can be anything just for fun.
10. If you could be famous for anything of your choice, what would it be? For doing something heroic and kind.
11. If you could send 10 words to your 14 year old self, what would those words be? When life brings you lemons you have some lemons. (Damn that's 9 umm...) Quamba. 
12. If you were to go to a star wars themed dress up party, who would you go as? (Same with harry potter, hunger games, disney, doctor who, merlin, how i met your mother, big bang theory, regular costume party) Star Wars: Well I am the right height for Yoda. Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood. Hunger Games: Rue. Disney: Ursula. Doctor Who: Umm... Clockwork Droid would be fun. Merlin: Morgana. How I Met Your Mother: The Mother. Big bang Theory: Amy. Regular Costume Party: Sailor Mars.  
13. Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was? Forget myself cause if I remember those I trust then they can help me remember. 
14. If you had to travel 100 years into the past or the future, which way would you go? Future cause if you change something in the past it changes the present and I couldn't risk that. That's like time travel rule number one guys. 
15. If after dying you can choose to become any living thing other than a human, what would you pick? A cat. Cause they sleep all fucking day. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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