Wednesday 2 July 2014


Hey, sorry to leave this so late, but I took a nap earlier because today I have been feeling pretty shitty and when I woke up I realised I had Biology work to do so felt that was more of a priority. However I do not have much to blog about today considering all I did was sleep watch tv and feel like I was going to die at any moment. So I will briefly talk about something because I desperately want to go back to sleep. 

As the title suggests I am going to talk about snapchat. Recently I downloaded this app because most of my friends had it so thought it would be fun. At first I was telling people I would send them a picture of my pussy, and Connor was all like "Are you serious? Cause that's wrong." And I was all I am dead serious so I sent Emily a snapchat and she said it was a wonderful pussy and Connor was like "Oh no" because Emily sent me one back. It took him a while to figure out that we were actually sending snaps of our cats. Silly Connor. 

Since then I have mainly been snap chatting Amy I guess, who sends me loads of random ones from time to time, which is weird but funny. I try to respond to most of my snapchats, but other times I just look and laugh. It kind of annoys me when I click on it to view then it clicks of for some reason and the timer runs out before I can try and get it back, and it's like no! But most of the time I really enjoy it, and it's a lot more fun than texting. As you can include weird selfies, and you can draw on the images to make them better.

That's all I have to say on Snapchatting. So yeah.

See you in the 'morrow!

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