Wednesday 30 April 2014

I Don't Do Much

I haven't spoken about this day in so long. But today was not much happens Wednesday, how ever some stuff happened cause I am now going to blog about said stuff, and yeah. But in terms of school lessons I don't really do much. Just four hours of private study and double media. Lets find out what happened then shall we?

So I got to school at the usual time, and sat in the common room with Maddy as she played an addictive game. Then more people showed up and stuff happened then off to Private Study with Claire and Lish. I did some work failing to answer questions for a past paper for psychololololology (which I practically did all day). Also during P/S Claire and I hid Lish's stuff and wrote "I love Bananas" on her work she didn't notice for quite a while. 

Then was breakytime and as per usual I cannot remember anything. So let's just head back to private study, but this time with Lish and Jassie. and Paul were being really annoying and we just threatened them and stuff and I got some more work done. And that was pretty much it. So now it is lunchtime and I saw with people and Giancarlo hid Tom's glasses  and Jessie became headless and just a couple of other weird things.

After this I had double media where we did work on the exam stuff and then organised coursework. On the board we saw the letters WOTD and Jessie and I wondered what this would stand for and then I said "Well Otis Took Dick" so now this is my saying. Also Jessie started this weird silent laugh and that is now her new laugh. It was a pretty funny lesson. 

Home, sweet, home and really random group chat conversations which I might discuss with you tomorrow. Oh you lucky bunch. But you are going to have to wait for that. See you in the 'morrow!

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