Monday 7 April 2014

How I Met Your Mother

Today, I decided to give myself a break before starting The Revision Frenzy. So what did I do? I watched the Finale of How I Met Your Mother. And now cause I have done nothing else I am going to tell you about it. If you have not seen it yet and don't want it to be ruined for you, don't read on.


Seriously from this point on if you read it you will find out the final plot points to the ending of How I Met Your Mother. It's your choice so don't complain to me. You have been warned, in the warning. And it's not like that's hard to miss.

So anyway I was watching the final two episodes thinking, it will be ok Elli, it may finish and be over but you'll know how he met the mother, in an awesome closing episode. But it wasn't all that awesome. I am not happy. So yes you guessed it I am raging. 

Basically I was all team Robin and Barney wanting them to be together forever because they were so totally awesome and I was almost crying when they got engaged and everything up to now was just aww oh my god this is so adorable. Then what do they go and do, say that in 3 years they get divorced! I am not having that. I know, I know, it's fictional, but it means a lot to me.

It got worse when Barney went and had a kid with some other woman, the fact it was called Elli made me think they wanted me to forgive them for the whole divorce thing, I mean yeah it was completely cute when Barney was being all fatherly, BUT HE SHOULD BE WITH ROBIN.

That my friends was not all. No. So years after Ted and the mother get together, she dies. Yep she gets sick and dies, and it's like how can you do this to me? You go through nine fucking seasons telling me the long complex story of how he met her, for her to be killed off?! NO. I'm still not finished, cause it turns out he was only telling his kids that story so that they would be ok with him getting with Robin and then they get together. NO. Team Barney and Robin. 

So I am outraged, and not happy. However I guess they fall under the same category. I loved that show, and now I feel it is ruined for I know the conclusion. It's just so sad. :'( 

Anywho I'm done ranting. So yeah, see you in the 'morrow!

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