Tuesday 8 April 2014

A Bit of a Down Blog

Ok so this is probably going to be a bit of a down blog so I apologise in advance. Basically the last couple of weeks have been pretty tough for me in terms of family issues I am not comfortable discussing in detail. But it has put me in a pretty down mood. However there is a lighter side to all of this, it has proven to me how much I need my friends. It also showed me how crazy they are.

Let me elaborate. Without knowing it last night my friends helped me through a tough time simply by talking in the conversation and being weird. So thanks for that. It distracted me and made me smile, well actually the time I was confused as to what the fuck was going on. But the point still stands.

Basically if I didn't have these people I would have just not survived last night, and most of them didn't even know they helped. So for them, thank you.

Short post I know, and it was written pretty late, but yeah lots on my mind. But tomorrow brings anew and maybe things will get brighter and posts will get better. Until then. See you in the 'morrow!

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