Tuesday 29 April 2014

Some Strange Conversations...

Hey guys. Guess what? I'm going to blog about my day! YAY! Well it's not that yay, it wasn't complete quality entertainment and I don't remember much, but it'll do. 

So today I went to SixyForm and only had double psychology. Which is bliss. My mum gave me a lift and I arrived at break, and was greeted by everyone, because they missed me (as I was ill yesterday) I felt so loved. Then the bell went and it was off to psychology where I felt smart, ate a freddo, and had some fun conversations with Claire and Maddy.

After this was Lunch and I sat with my friends as usual. At the end of mentor I didn't want to leave cause I wanted to spend more time with everyone, but Claire was all :'( and guilt tripping me. She left and I stayed but I felt superbad. However, staying resulted in me being part of a very interesting conversation. I can't remember exact details but I think it started with Emily touching my leg then I said that apparently that is 1/8 of an orgasm and we started talking about that then somehow we got into a conversation about masturbation  and Connor was just shocked beyond belief. 

Then I went home some point after more conversation, and met Claire and Lish on my way to the bus stop. I went and met Lish's Bunneh and it is so completely adorable! Then Claire and I left and got on the bus and had sexy fun times. I kid we just had some weird conversations. Then I got home and looked at this list of weird phobias. There's one for being afraid of things to your right? People. My favourites where these: 
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words, because if you fear it you can't say the name of the phobia.
Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection, because it's funny to think people fear that.

OK that's pretty much all I have to say. I need to go sleep, it's been a confusing last couple of hours. I think my brain has just had enough. See you in the 'morrow!

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