Sunday 27 April 2014

Tired Talk

Hey, I'm too tired to blog, but if I don't I wont be able to sleep. UGH. The life of a blogger. So what to do what to do... Well after reading a couple of friends blogs, I found they were all talking about the return to 6th form. So I'll just steal that from them.

Basically the pointless three day return was more of a social occasion to me more than anything else. On the first day there was no proper talk about impending exams so I kind of forgot about it and just spent time with my friends, and in the case of most of them I had not seen them in ages. And there wasn't really that much pressure. But I think that's because I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore. 

However, being there with everyone made me realise if I wasn't there next year, I am probably going to miss out on a lot of stuff, and lose that time I get to spend with the ragtag group of awesomeness. Though I seriously feel I am not going to get into A2. I'm just not motivated enough, and I can't find that motivation. It's all more, we'll see what happens. But I am probably not going to like what happens. 

Days like today help me forget I even have school to worry about, cause my mind is just on my social life. Which is great because I am so much happier, but I guess the outcome won't be so great. 

Ok I think that is enough to satisfy you for a while. If not deal with it cause I am too sleepy to write anymore. *YAWN* Did anyone yawn whilst reading the word yawn? I know you did, don't lie to me. Anywho...I shall see you in the 'morrow! 

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