Wednesday 9 April 2014

Sleepless in Horsford

Hello, again not a lot happened today apart from casual revision and a trip to my nanny's. WOW such and interesting read! Exactly sarcastic thoughts. So yeah...this is going to be a short blog (maybe) about last night.

Basically I was feeling a little down from a conversation that started because they read my blog post yesterday and it made me remember something that wasn't a good time for me. So my brain being the destructor of happiness decided to just make me think about the bad things. This prevented me from sleeping. It wouldn't have been so bad if I was in the mood to physically do something, that was I could have been productive by revising or something. But my brain was all nope so I just laid there. 

Eventually I got extremely bored. Therefore I decided to read through old texts. Some of it was nice and it made me remember some good things I had forgotten about and memories I would like to bring up again, but I should have known I was going to head into the bad part of the conversation. I will admit rereading some things made me cry and have a small episode of self destruction, not physical destruction though. I'll never make that mistake again. But mentally I kept going downhill, even though I got to a good part of the conversation again. 

As well as all this I watched early morning TV, which was weird. About 7 this morning I decided to try and get some sleep but was woken up by the sudden appearance of a cat who decided to lay on my face. I moved him so we could snuggle up and sleep but he kept fidgeting so I gave up. Hence me having no sleep. But I'm not actually that tired. (She says even though she will probably sleep for most of the day tomorrow)

Wow, I swear my blogs recently have been pretty bleak. Maybe I'm on a slow path to full on self destruction. I don't understand it cause I have some good things in my life. Eh who knows why we feel the way we feel. I shall see you in the 'morrow!

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