Monday 28 April 2014

Uneeded Stress

Right now, at this point in time, I seriously think I am done with School. My mind just can't focus, and there is something more important I just keep worrying about. 6th Form just feels like an unnecessary hassle. If I had a job right now I'm pretty sure I would just quit. Without a seconds thought. 

I don't understand why we are put under so much pressure at this age. It can't be healthy? Can it? I mean some people can get so stressed out they just "rage quit" so most of their life is wasted. It's unfair. I know why we are doing this, because of Jobs and shit like that but they build it up too much. Like saying if you fail your life is pretty much meaningless. Which is like "Gee Thanks World!". Sometimes teenagers have enough to worry about, without exams. Like family issues, or friends stuff, or just bitchy people making your life a living hell. 

It's just a bit like, all of my memories are mainly me at school. School is the only life I know. And what if something happens and I die tomorrow. I don't want to look back and think it was all just misery at school. I want to get out and just do something else. Maybe go traveling or just do something different everyday. Instead of falling into the same routine, of waking up early, and being all miserable about mornings. Going to school talking to friends lazily sitting in lessons listening to teachers drone on about work and exams then more talk to friends then more drone then getting home to freak outs and trying to distract yourself then more freak outs and then sleeping and knowing it's all just going to happen again tomorrow. All until the blissful weekend which you can never enjoy anymore cause you need to revise so you revise and do homework and panic and sleep. I just don't want that to be my life anymore. 

I know if I get a job it is essentially going to be the same with going to work and coming homing, but I think less panic and stress will be involved than this. But I just need a long break. From school. To do my own thing. Cause right now I need a less stressful distraction from something which scares me so much I can't even sleep. And right now school stuff is just adding to it and I don't need that. Everyone's all but it's worth it in the end cause you can get a better future so stay focused and work hard and it will be fine. But I just can't, my mind can't stay focused, because of stupid fucking things I can't change, and nothing will be made clear until next year. Sometimes even thinking about it makes me physically sick, but there's nothing I nor anyone can do. So how can I focus on exams? In comparison they mean nothing to me, and I don't think anyone truly understands that. 

Sorry I'm rambling. But it's 3:55am and I can't sleep because of this, and there's no-one else I can talk to at this time. I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't know where to go, or how to feel. I need to sleep cause I've got school but I just can't. 

Wow if you read through that you must be super bored. Or just a stalker. Either way, thanks for listening I guess. Well reading. Lets see if I can get at least some sleep. See you in the 'morrow!

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