Wednesday 16 April 2014


Hello. So yesterday I mentioned how it was my birthday and the fact that I was going laser tag with my friends to celebrate this. So it only makes logical sense that I write about that. And obviously it is going to be in this post because why else would I mention it here? 

My day started at home (well duh)where I got some presents and stuff and Hal kept telling me she could not believe I was 17. Claire also said the same thing to me when I was on the bus with her, traveling to the city. But in fairness I do look about 14. On the bus she gave me her present. From here I pretty much just flirted with Claire the entire time.

Once in the city we headed to the meeting place (even though we were like 20 minutes early). When there Claire bought me a shake, which was delicious. But I couldn't really enjoy it as practically everyone turned up at once thrusting presents in my direction and I started opening them in the middle of Chapelfield and then had to carry them round the city.

So then we went to the laser tag place, and people were playing on the arcade game and the rest of us just sat around chitchatting. And then we headed into the briefing room. Which was fun because you realised who wore stupid clothing that lit up under the lights. Then the guy briefed us and we were also joined by a random guy. Greg. Well at least I think his name was Greg, Emma's convinced it was Craig. Hmm...Anywho at the end he asked I there were any questions so I asked if he has had a nice day, cause I'm nice. 

THEN TIME FOR WAR. It was Red (Maddy, Tom, Emma, Emily, Siobhan, Lish, Amy and Connor) vs Blue (Claire, Paige, Jessie, Momo, Eddie, Greg, and myself). It was an incredible game full of chaos and lots of shooting and shouting. For example every time some when went in their base I would shout to them "GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR BASE" Then the rest of my team would join me and help kill them. I spent a lot of time just shooting Lish repeatedly. That was pretty fun, but I also got shot a lot, by Maddy when I was trying to raid their base. One time I laid down as a form of surrender and they left me alone so I got up shot their base, killed it and ran like hell. 

Unfortunately we lost. But it was only because it was Maddy's first time playing laser tag and we let her win, cause it was her birthday too...Yep that is the only reason. However just before we let I told Greg that he did a great job unless we lost, in which case I would blame it on him. So I guess Thanks a lot Greg ugh. 

After the exhausting game we went to Pizza hut. Because I felt bad making people pay or Ed's DIner. So of to Pizza hut we went. Here there was pretty much a split in the group as the table was so long I could barely talk to the people at the other end. But that didn't stop me from flirting with Claire ;) I ate some pizza while the group debated as to why me and some others ate crust first. Cause that's how you do it! And then we spoke a lot about different things.

After Pizza Hut we wandered around Chapelfield, and Emma, Emily, Connor and myself went into the Disney Store and were discussing Disney things while Connor looked completely awkward. Then some people split off and we headed for Primark, because Lish really likes it in Primark ;). Then we headed for the bus. where Emma, Emily, Claire, and I talked about some random things. 

Then I went home and me and Hal had a sleepover downstairs, whilst eating some Yorkshire Puddings at midnight to finish my birthday celebration. 

Overall, a fucking good day, and I would love to do it again. Until that time, I shall blog about my usual shizzle. How fun for you. See you in the 'morrow!

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