Sunday 20 April 2014

The Bus Rage

I am so sorry. I have failed you. Yesterday I broke my promise and did not post, mainly because I was out practically all day. The worst part was the day prior I had prepared a blog for you, but I overslept so I had no time to post it and now I feel I have just let you all down. I have let myself down. And for that I am truly sorry. I beg for your forgiveness. From now on I swear I shall never miss another day again, until the day I die. I feel so bad. :'( But here have my prepared blog a day late. It's not enough,  but I hope it shall suffice. 

"Sometimes I really hate being a Horsfordinian (it's what I call people who live in Horsford by the way) Because if you can't drive, and have parents who often refuse to drive you places, you have to rely on one form of transport. The First Group Bus Service. Which is usually pretty good, and I enjoy it, cause I have an unlimited bus pass that lasts for a year so I can travel whenever I want. But you guessed it, I'm only blogging about it if I am going to rant about it. So let the ranting commence!

In that fun introductory paragraph, which I bet you all skim read by the way, I included the phrase "travel whenever I want". Obviously that isn't strictly true. Because buses come every 20 minutes and even then it isn't guaranteed they turn up on time or even at all which I have found out in some cases. Also buses stop after a certain time. 

On Monday to Friday the buses start at about 6:30 so from there I can travel between my home and Long Stratton at most parts of the day until about 19:18 which is my last chance to escape the incredibly boring town in which I live. And when traveling home I can be back from anytime between 8:00 and 19:00. And I know what you are thinking. So you can leave Horsford on a bus after the last one that takes you home? Well, yes and no. Basically in order to come home after this you have to wait until 23:24. Yep. This is why I rage because you really need a bus in between that time. Like at least have one at 21:00 or something people! Just saying.
On Saturdays the buses are pretty much the same as the rest of the week.

But then there is the day where you are pretty much screwed, Sunday. For some fucked up reason, the buses on Sunday just hate Horsford. So on this joyous day (said very sarcastically) you can leave your house to travel in the direction of the city at 9:07. Yep earliest bus. Then another bus will arrive at 10:07, and that is it. From here you can no longer take a bus to the city. I know complete and utter bullshit. Especially for me as I didn't even know that time exists on a Sunday for I am too busy in the land of dreams. But the Sunday Bus rage does not end here. Let's talk about heading back to Horsford. There are only two buses. The first leaves Castle Meadow at 16:45, and the other leaves there at 17:48. NDBFKSALBOALBYDB\VJHLBKGAHDVOBVFHZDJBAVOB! So for those of you who have worked that out you have to spend at least 6 hours in the city. And I have done this before and I can tell you it gets very boring. 

Not only this people but the Sunday bus times continue on Public Holidays. So yesterday and Monday I am stuck in Horsford. Woop! This needs to change! Like now. I mean I understand lack of buses on things like Christmas and Easter Sunday but really, an ordinary Sunday? I know it's the day of rest but what if I want to rest elsewhere? UGH

Ugh, rage over. For now."

See you in the 'morrow!

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