Saturday 12 April 2014

The Revision Frenzy

Over the past week I have been doing snippets of revision for my upcoming exams. And I didn't mind that cause it was just little bits here and there. But then I realised that I need to do a lot more work if I want to do well. And I want to do well. So today I started an official frenzy and revised for Psychology. 

How I tend to revise is just writing things down over and over again until it gets stuck somewhere in my mind (the multi-store model tells us that rehearsal is what inputs information into our long term memory from our short term memory, yeah revision is kind of working) However, after a while this gets tedious and then my hands starts cramping and it's all just ugh. But the only other way I can revise is if I just ramble to people about it. And there's no-one here. Huh.

Nonetheless I am revising for 20 minutes at a time with a small break in between, because I was told that you can only really stay focused for a maximum of 20 minutes at a time. However for me, with probably the world's shortest attention span, this can get pretty difficult. About 2 hours later I went on facebook, and now I am blogging. 

Seriously Elli, if you want to succeed you need to get off your liddle butt and do some work. But I hate work. And as I wrote in a previous blog post I am just getting less reluctant to want to finish 6th form. I just want to stay at home forever, lying in bed and watching youtube. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? I mean fine I'll go to school, but I'd prefer it if it doesn't lead to exams. Whoever is in charge of making us do exams I will hunt you down and kill you. Ok maybe not kill, but I will torture you until you take away all exams. 

Ok I should stop distracting myself and head back into the craziness of psychology revision. Tomorrow's Biology revision. Such Joy! I can't wait for the day I never have to take an exam again. ELLI WORK NOW! Ok ok brain I'm sorry. See you in the 'morrow!

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