Friday 4 April 2014

Yay Day.

IT'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL YAY!!! Well until after Easter. I guess it is my last day of school as a 16 year old, YAY!!! So this is how the day went down. Elli did you seriously just say that? Yes, Yes I did. Besides you should be happy I am actually blogging about my day. Yay!!! Calm down Elli it's not that yay.

So first off I had psychology and Clive and Clark were not in today :'( But it was fine I had Momo. He walked into the room and complained that the chairs and tables had been moved round and demanded they should be put back. But I didn't care cause this meant I sat in the corner with him. It was here I told him about a dream I had last night. I dreamt that Giancarlo and another guy in the class shared a passionate kiss in my hallway. It was pretty weird. Anyway in psychology we did presentations. So much fun.

Then was the annual Easter Assembly, where we are shown this picture of a giant easter egg. They also told us it was a solemn assembly yet they kept playing music that just made me laugh. I feel they are testing us, and I don't like it. After this they then gave us creme eggs, but I don't like them so I had Momo and Jass fight it out, Jessie won because she said please. And courtesy is everything.

I went back to psychology but we did presentations as I said before so we shall move on to break time. That's right you guessed it, I remember nothing about break time. Well i remember Emily kept saying aww This was followed by Media where we watch Rollerballer? I don't understand that film. Then I had mentor which lasted like a minute cause he just said, "Are you revising?" "Yes" "Do you have a revision timetable?" "Yes" "Well ok, you can go" such great mentoring sessions indeed.

Next was lunchtime and Siobhan Amy and I were discussing musicals and songs that Siobhan and I could audition for this school thingymawho. Amy decided to be my backing dancer, and I would let her cause she was amazing. Then they left to go to an early starting psychology lesson so I spoke to Emily and Giancarlo and Charlotte and Tom who magically manifested into the room part way through the conversation of something I cannot remember. But I remember Giancarlo's amazing quote: "I'll whack it out wherever I want to"

So Em's and I headed to biology, which was the weirdest lesson I have ever had. We talked about anatomical adaptations of animals which lead to female hyenas having a pseudo penis WHICH THEY GIVE BIRTH THROUGH! And then Rachel asked how they mated it they had a penis. And so for some reason we youtubed this and watched hyenas doing it for a few minutes. Yeah.

See you in the 'morrow!

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