Friday 4 April 2014

Media Coursework Madness

Sorry, but yet again I shall not write a post about my day. Well technically it is part of my day for it has been consuming me for the past however many hours. Man that sounded weird in so many ways. But I am talking about the wonderful world of media studies coursework. That was sarcasm for those of you who did not understand. 

So tomorrow my coursework (first draft so slightly less important) needs to be handed in tomorrow, and I am all stressy because I have not finished because of extraneous variables. Such as homework for other subjects, revision for upcoming exams, and some family issues which quite frankly is just making me want to have a breakdown. But I shall hold up. For now. 

Back to media. There is another problem I face in wanting to complete this coursework and that is I hate it. When I say I hate it I mean I don't hate the subject. I friggen love media. It's just this thing I do when I have to create an important piece of work which manifested from my mind, that eventually I hate it. It happened a lot last year in art. I don't know what it is but I start picking out faults and focus on those faults, and then hate them so much I can't even try to fix it. So I have been reluctant to finish the trailer because I hate it. However now the monstrosity is complete and I just have to wait in anticipation until they tell me that it wasn't a complete disaster. 

Now all is left if to finish my post-production report. Which is probably going to take me another couple of hours considering the amount of time I have already spent on it and it still isn't even finished. So Elli what are you doing blogging about it when you should be finishing school work. I know, I know, brain but I have to blog I made a promise to blog everyday and I will get stressed out if I don't besides it helps me get rid of that stress I feel about the work I'm doing so I will then be motivated to do said work without my brain going all dfksebauwf on me. 

Wow, that paragraph is evidence of how crazy I am because of 6th form. Well I guess I was a little mad before hand, but still. Anywho I guess I have to face my fear and finish the work. Hopefully I can get some sleep. I do love me some sleep. I just want to sleep now but I can't, ugh. See you in the 'morrow!

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