Sunday 27 April 2014

Drastic Mood Changes

As I am a woman, I wouldn't say this is highly unlikely. But I have really strange mood swings. Like I go from being really happy to either really sad, angry or just meh really easily, and it is really hard to come back from that sometimes. 

For example today. I was all ok having a little joke in group chat then all of a sudden I was sad. Like really sad, and I didn't like it. And it took me a while to get over it. Mainly I just indulged myself in a book. Which I guess helped because I mainly started thinking about the characters and the fictional world. But then there was this whole underlying thought related to the book which kind of got me down. But yeah. 

The same thing happen with anger. Sometimes someone can just say one innocent thing but I get pissed off, then it just increases to a high rage. However sometimes I feel if I don't reach this level of high rage I will be ragey more often. Which is why sometimes I overload myself with sadness just so I wont be sad again for a while, unless something new happens.

Depressiveness is just so much fun. Like this whole school thing. It's all just nope. But when I'm at school I'm different and happy cause I am surrounded by friends, then as soon as I get home I'm all ARG again. 

Ok I'm getting sleepy so cannot be bothered to continue. Mainly because my computer is being super UGH right now because some of the keys don't work properly mainly the spacebar so I either have to angrily hit it which is just too much effort or go back and correct mistakes which is more effort so it is all like please make it stop!

So yeah, See you in the 'morrow!

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