Thursday 1 May 2014

My Name's Elli, and I'm an Addict

Yes you read that title correctly. I am an addict. So what am I addicted to? You might ask. Sex? Drugs? Alcohol? No. I'm addicted to 2048. Thanks to Amy Alice Forder.

So what is 2048, those of you who are not cultured enough might ask. Well it's this app which I have on my phone where you have to multiply numbers on tiles to form bigger numbers, to reach the goal of 2048. When you say it like that it isn't that interesting. But it's extremely addictive. Trust me. I only started playing the game today and I've played practically non-stop and seem to be at the same stage as my friends. 

EVEN AS I AM BLOGGING I AM PLAYING. I need serious help. I feel this calls for an intervention. Cause when I close my eyes I can just see the tiles moves with the numbers on it. I'm probably going to be sent to a mental institute because of this damn game. I'm never usually one of those people who follows the crowd and plays the popular games. Like Flappy bird. I never really saw the interest. 

But this I thought I'd play it once to see what it was like and what all the fuss was about, but then I got hooked, and all through my biology lesson I was like I want to play this game. I need to play this game. Then I downloaded it and played it pretty much for two hours straight. 

Ok I'm going to stop blogging now cause the game is just staring at me. Elli no be strong. wants to be played. No. But. BUT. Elli...Fine. I wont play it. (You all know I'm going to go play it)

See you in the 'morrow! 

If I haven't been lost to the world of 2048.

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