Sunday 13 April 2014

The Last Tag...As a 16 year old.

Hi there! So today, not much happened, aside from revision and job hunting, so here have a tag post. But this is a super special tag post as the next time (and let's face it there will be a next time) I will be tagging as a 17 year old. :') Milestone people. Anywho here's a tag I stole from Lish:

Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really.
What do you do for fun? I watch Youtube. Literally all I do. Oh and talk to people. 
Do you want/do you have any children? I would like kids. According to Clive I also have kids, for one there's Clive then there's my pretend psychology children called Goffrey and Cammie. 
What are you looking for in a relationship? They have to make me laugh, if not I lose interest very quickly. I would also like for them to be kind, and smart, and a little stubborn. 

What is the one thing about yourself that you would like me to know? Who's asking me this question? Do I know you? You scare me...But I guess you should know I don't take rejection very well. So don't reject me bitch. Sorry for calling you a bitch <3
If you won a lottery, how would you spend your millions? I was asked this the other day. I have no idea. I've always been someone who feels the money can go to much use elsewhere, like charities, so I'll probably do that. But I also might share some with family and friends. I would also save some for the future, like family building and stuff like that. Oh and I'd like to buy an awesome tea set. Just cause. 
Which was the first crush you ever had? Ah hmm... Um no. Let's not discuss this. (But you have to!) On what grounds? (Umm..I don't know but you have to!) Fine ugh. It was this guy who live down my road, his name was Callum, and I liked him for a really long time. So yeah. SHUT UP!
You have got six months to live, what will you do first? Hmm...Face my fear of flying and go to Japan. Spend time with those I love. Tell those who try to give me shit what I really think of them. 
Are you a morning person or a night person? I barely even know what the morning is. Night is my time!
If you have friends coming over, what would you cook? Probably Pasta. Then I'll sing Making Pasta to the tune of Making Christmas and they'll all know how crazy I am. 
If you could travel back through time, what single mistake would you correct in life?  Probably the way I treated Claire back when I was a dick child. However I'm glad things are ok now. LOVE YOU CLAIRE! <3
Where do you see yourself in five years time? Well I be turning what 22, ugh I hate that number.I would like to have my own place (I say my own I'd be sharing with Jessie probably) and I would like to have a stable job. Maybe even a kid for reasons I don't really like explaining.

Well that was my last tag as a 16 year old. My last post as a 16 year old. AK. Anywho, no point fretting. See you in the 'morrow!

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