Wednesday 2 April 2014

Decisions, Decisions...

Another day, another way of distracting myself from reality. So how to accomplish that today? Well I went to 6th form and had an interesting day. Clearly since you cannot remember anything that really happened. SHUT UP LOGIC! But I'm still stuck with stuff to blog about. Hmm... I should hire someone to think of ideas for me so I don't have to waste so much time. I guess that's what friends are for. 

So my friends (mainly Lish) have spitballed some ideas, there was:
- Blog about my day
- Find a tag
- Blog about places I want to go
- Blog about my hatred for technology
- Or one I added, rant about a "friend's" blog. 
Well I can't blog about something I don't remember, I have completed enough tags to last me a lifetime,  I don't really want to go to many places. So that leaves rants. But which shall I rant about, decisions, decisions.

Maybe this should just be my blog, deciding what to blog about. Why is blogging so difficult? Why did I sign up for this gig? I'm not even that interesting. I'm just babbling most of the time about things I don't really understand and throw in mini arguments with myself here and there. I'm even doing that now just to fill up space to hide the fact I am not actually writing anything that is worth reading. So if you are still reading this I feel sorry for you, cause you are either gullible thinking something interesting is about to happen, or you have nothing better to do than read this. Just kidding I love you! I bet no-one even reads my blog posts properly. They probably just look at the large blue text so they get the gist and just move on to something way more worthy of their efforts. 

Yep that was actually all I was going to blog about today. But hey, better than nothing. Sorry for wasting the precious time you have. Anywho, tomorrow shall probably contain another ramble, so look forward to that friends. So what else is there to say? Oh yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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