Thursday 10 April 2014

It's Tag Time!

Hey guys, guess what? IT'S TAG TIME! Yeah you've all missed tags really I know you have. Basically I have done nothing but sleep today, and my friend wrote a tag and people said I should do it, so do it I shall. 

1. last beverage- Pink Grapefruit Squash
2. last phone call- Umm...Nanny?
3. last text message- Hal
5. last time you cried- About 1 o'clock this morning :/

6. dated someone twice- Define dated? But I'm going to say I have.
7. been cheated on- Kinda. 
8. kissed someone & regretted it- Nope ;)
9. lost someone special- again define lost? Is it the same as losing a pencil?
10. been depressed- Some people would say I have been. 
11. been drunk and threw up- Luckily no, cause I'm smart enough not to get drunk.

12. Blue
13. Orange
14. Purple

15. Made a new friend- Yeah, Maddy :')
16. Fallen out of love- I guess I did.
17. Laughed until you cried- I tend to do that on a regular basis.
18. Met someone who changed you- Not really, someone did change me last year but I already knew them.
19. Found out who your true friends were- I would say I did that yes.
20. Found out someone was talking about you- Not really.
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list- Yeah I kissed a couple of them.

22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life- Most of them
24. Do you have any pets- one adorable little kitty
25. Do you want to change your name- Yes, I hate my name. My name is just. Ugh.
26. What did you do for your last birthday- Went to go see The Great and Powerful Oz with my friends.
27. What time did you wake up today- Ummm, 2pm. But in my defence I didn't go to sleep until 2am and the previous night I had no sleep. So, yeah. 
28. What were you doing at midnight last night- Scrolling social media.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- SHERLOCK!!!
30. Last time you saw your Mother- Like 5 minutes ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- I wish I was more confident with strangers.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now- Well...
35. Most visited web page- Probably: Facebook, this and youtube.
37. Nickname- Elli, Mushroom, Ewee, Elsley Miffin Head Girl at Darlington High School, would you like to hear my theme tune? DA LA. Isn't it beautiful? So yeah I have a couple.
38. Relationship Status- Single.
39. Zodiac sign- Aries.
40. He or She- I'm a she?
41. Elementary- I don't call it Elementary my dear Watson. But I went to Horsford first and middle school, cause I'm so cool.
42. High School- Hellesdon
43. College- I go to 6th form.
44. Hair colour- Well the box said it was "pure purple" but it is a kind of red/brown
45. Long or short- Is this still referring to hair? I would say mine is mediumish
46. Height- I62cm or 5ft 3 and 25/32s, yeah check out the giant over here.
47. Do you have a crush on someone?- Not really.
48. What do you like about yourself?- Nothing.
49. Piercings- I gots me my ears pierced. 
50. Tattoos- No, I wouldn't mind one though.
51. Righty or lefty- Righty.

52. First surgery- Never had one.
53. First piercing- Ears, can't remember exactly when.
54. First best friend- Scarlett, scary to think how we don't talk anymore.
55. First sport you joined- Badminton!
56. First vacation- Cannot remember
58. First pair of trainers- Who am I a chav?

59. Eating- Nothing
60. Drinking- Nothing
61. I'm about to- Yawn. (Genuinely just did, I'm so magical)
62. Listening to- The sound of me typing.
63. Waiting for- Something interesting.

64. Want kids?- Yes.
65. Get Married?- it's a possibility.
66. Career?- I don't mind what I do, as long as I enjoy it.

67. Lips or eyes- Got to go with eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses- Wow,
69. Shorter or taller- I'd prefer them to be taller.
70. Older or Younger- Slightly older.
71. Romantic or spontaneous- Well sometimes I find romance creepy, so spontaneousness. 
72. Nice stomach or nice arms- I don't get how these belong together. 
73. Sensitive or loud- Sensitive.
74. Hook-up or relationship- Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant- Probably Hesitant.

76. Kissed a stranger- No
77. Drank hard liquor- Not really
78. Lost glasses/contacts- I don't have either so no.
79. Sex on first date- Never really been on a date, never would have sex on a first date.
80. Broke someones heart- I hope not.
81. Had your own heart broken- Yes :/
82. Been arrested- Nope, so proud of that.
83. Turned someone down- I don't know? Maybe I have.
84. Cried when someone died- Yeah. Death is natural, but it still sucks.

85. Fallen for a friend- Yeah...

86. Yourself- Nope
87. Miracles- Yes.
88. Love at first sight- Not really.
89. Heaven- Not really, I believe more in other life after death.
90. Santa Claus- He is real. I know he's real.
91. Kiss on the first date- I guess.
92. Angels- Not really.

So that was 92 pieces of information about me. If you actually read it all I'm surprised, cause I wouldn't have. Anywho now you know me slightly better, and can use that information in later life. So...See you in the 'morrow!

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