Wednesday 16 April 2014

Revision Makes Me Doge...

More revision today. Such fun, much joy. Ugh see what it is doing to me? It's turning me into Doge! This must end now. But revision to me is becoming more and more like do I have to?
The only reason I am revising is because I want to continue into A2. At this rate that probably isn't going to happen. But I'm scared if I don't continue with 6th form I'm going to lose contact with my friends. I mean I'd try my hardest. But it's like with Paige, you start to run out of things to talk about, cause everything is based on memories. And it just kind of sucks. Cause my friends are awesome. Besides I don't really know what I'd do without 6th form. I'd try and get a job but that will probably take time and so I'd spend most of my days being bored

So until then I will revise, but if I can't get into A2 there is no way I am repeating the year. No way. I hope I get in. But revision is so ugh, and I am at the point where I just want to throw in the towel. This is where I show you a video Hal found. It perfectly describes my situation. So here:

See you in the 'morrow!

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