Wednesday 23 April 2014

Overall Success I Guess...

Well I guess that's it. No more holidays until my first exam. Ugh. Someone just take me away from all this. But I must admit my first day back at school in a few weeks wasn't so bad. I seemed to get into the habit quite easily and I got a good amount of work done. So overall success I guess. Ha that rhymed. 

So today for some reason I woke up at six. SIX! But I guess this gave me enough time to get ready and even have some breakfast, which I rarely do cause I either never have the time or just cannot be bothered. I had some crumpets yum! Then headed to 6th where there were some curtains and everyone complained about them, then Mads told me she might leave :'( After this people were confused that Tyler was not wearing a suit (he always wears a suit).

Following this was double private study where I got a lot of work done. Then Maddy, Claire, Emily and I were talking about Birthdays. And then after this I went back to private study where Jamie started going on about Birthdays.

During lunch where we mainly sat around in the emptyish common room eating this oreo icecream thing, and saying bad jokes and pick-up lines. This was followed by double media where he didn't collect the work in which I completed during the first double private study >.< But the lesson was fun cause we were defining characters in Dracula using Propp's theory and I said that the sun was the helper because it killed Dracula. It was pretty funny. 

Then I had some random conversations with strangers on the late bus, and then got home

Anywho, now I am back to school, more work shall begin. HA maybe. But I'll definitely try. See you in the 'morrow!

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