Friday 25 April 2014

You Get a Tag and You Like It!

What is this? You promised us normality yesterday, and now you are doing another fucking tag?! I know, I know, I'm sorry. But in my defence, there is like 50 minutes left in the day, I can't remember anything that really happened today, and I have to post cause if not I feel really down. SO YOU GET A TAG AND YOU LIKE IT! (Found this on Tumblr)

1) First kiss? (IF you haven't had it, who do you want to kiss)
 ha umm... Not saying. But it was a girl. So yeah...
2) Funniest joke you know? Probably the one I heard the other day from Giancarlo: What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground Beef. What do you call a cow with three legs? Lean Beef. What do you call a cow with two legs? Your Mum. (I don't think your mum is a cow by the way) 
3) Jeans, shorts, skirts, or dresses? Most definitely jeans. They are so comfy. 
4) Have you found Jesus? Nope, and if it's like Where's Wally probably never will. I'm so bad at that book game thing. 
5) Customized ringtone or generic? Customized. So when people ring Yoda speaks to me, and when I get a text it screams UNACCEPTABLE!
6) Favorite B-rated movie? What's a B-rated movie? *Googles this shit* Ok google didn't really help, cause it turns out I don't really watch those kinds of movies, so I'm going to say The Evil Dead (cause that's what google tells me)
7) Favorite superhero? Hmmm...Well I'm married to Superman, but I really like Spiderman. CONFLICTED.
8) Favorite Villain? No Brainer, Moriarty!
9) Favorite actor/actress? Hmm...Actor:  probably Craig Roberts, Actress: Helena Bonham Carter
10) What kind of phone do you have? Samsung Galaxy Ace. And it's smashed, but still works!
11) Random fact about yourself. Sometimes when I think, I think in a welsh accent. 

Hope you liked that really super fun tag. Don't expect anything amazing tomorrow, probably just going to be more random bullshit. But I guess that's the charm of my blogs. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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