Monday 14 April 2014

Happy Birthday to...Well Me.

Today's the day. I'm 17. And I feel no different. None whatsoever. It gets you thinking what is the point in birthdays? Cause I'm not too bothered about gifts and cards. I'm just using it as an excuse to see friends. Which is exactly what I am doing today. I am going to play laser tag and then go to Ed's Diner. Yeah!

Not only this but today is my new friend Maddy's Birthday. I know what are the chances. In my group of friends there are a couple of birthday clashes. Maddy and me, Jessie and Connor, Claire and Eddie, the triplets, but they don't really count because they are related. But still today is Maddy's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I haven't known Maddy as long as my other friends, but sometimes it feels like I have. Cause she's just so awesome. She is Superman! So I hope she enjoys her 17th and together we shall use magic outside of hogwarts. 

But yeah it's still my birthday today. Another year on this planet. It's been a weird 16 years of life. But I probably wouldn't change anything about it. I mean I would like an exact repeat of these 16 years, because that wouldn't be fun for me, and others. But right now all is good, and I think I'm going to enjoy this year. 

However I really want it to be my 18 birthday. Think of all the things I can do, drink, get tested for HD, BUY SCISSORS! I'll be living the dream when I buy that pair of scissors.

Anywho I best go celebrate my 17th year on earth with the ragtag group of awesomeness. Going to be such a good day. See you in the 'morrow!

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