Monday 21 April 2014


Ok before we begin I am going to simply remind those of why we celebrate easter, it's all cause Jesus was murdered on a cross (hence hot cross buns) and came back to life leaving an empty tomb (hence easter eggs), Just remember that kids. So this post is going to be about how I celebrated Easter.

I went to an infamous Eddie party, however I feel there have been better ones. This was more just chilling at someone else's house with a group of friends with small amounts of alcohol. So I got there about 5:30, and Eddie, Giancarlo and Jessie were already there. Once there we went on the trampoline and we bounced and did this weird thing that made me laugh uncontrollably. Then we threw sticky leaves at Giancarlo's crotch and he did a very sexy dance for us. 

After this we went inside and painted eggs. I named mine Eggsaviour simply for the pun. Painted him blue and gave him one really big googly eye and one really small one. He was so special. But then after a while we gave up painting eggs and decided to paint my arm instead. It was multi-coloured and sparkly, and even had it's own set of googly eyes. I was a work of art.

Next we ate a ton of delicious Jelly shots, and played on GTAV where we all killed ourselves in various ways. Giancarlo shot a grenade at a policeman and blew himself up in the process. Momo and grenades always seems to end in a suicide mission. Then Tom arrived and we played a racing game and it took Jessie like 15 minutes to make one lap of the map out of 99. This was going to be a long race. Mainly because she drove backwards and then decided to drive straight into Eddie as he came round for lap wto. It was pretty entertaining.

Some point during this I turned ultimate Hipster and we took some selfies, and Jessie got very obsessed with this 1Up toy and kept making it make the noise, and started making sex jokes around it. From here though I felt a bit down. Mainly cause I overheard a conversation between Eddie, Tom and Jessie, which they probably thought I couldn't hear. I hate it when that happens. I hate it when people talk about me behind my back. So I was really down and went and laid on the floor on the other side of the room.

Here the group kind of split, Momes and I were sat at one end watching Monty Python on TV which was really weird, and the others were playing games. Then were some random conversations and some watching In The Flesh then sleepy times. Where apparently I spasmed a lot, which I hate. Ugh. Does anyone else spasm while they sleep? 

So that was pretty much it. A fun easter. This was on Saturday by the way, so sorry again about not blogging but this was why. I still can't get over the fact I missed a day :/ Anywho I shall leave you to whatever you are going to do. See you in the 'morrow!

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