Thursday, 31 July 2014

Yep Let's Tag!

Hello! So today I woke up, ate some pasta, played some sims. That isn't very interesting blog stuff, and I have nothing else planned, so what else should I do? Yep let's tag! I found this on the one place I go to find tags. Fuckyeah surveys. So enjoy!

1. What was the last liquid that you choked on?
 Imagine if someone answered this in a dirty way. That would be so embarrasing. I don't remember, I think it was le fanta fruit twist.
2. How many times did you wake up today before actually getting up? Surprisingly only once.
3. Did you or have you had sex with the last person you slept with in bed? *Tries to think of the last person she slept in a bed with* Wait answers still the same. Nope.
4. What breed was the last dog you saw? I can't even remember the last time I saw a dog let alone what breed it could be.
5. When you sign your name do you use your middle name? No.
6. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? Out.
7. Who did you celebrate you last birthday with? Friends :)
8. Do you have anything important to do today? Play Sims 3.
9. What object in your house had a light bulb burn out last? A ceiling light? What else would there be?
10. What did you last eat that required milk? NESQUICK!
11. When getting dressed do you put your pants or shirt on first? Pants. (or in my world jeans).
12. When drinking hard alcohol do you take shots more or make mixed drinks? Mixed drinks.

13. Have you ever woken up next to someone after a night of drinking? Well never in an omg what happened last night did we just have sex? Kind of waking up next to someone. But after a night of drinking (where I never get drunk) I have awoken besides people.
14. Is your toilet paper on the right or left side of the toilet? Wow, what a question. Left.
15. Do you use a handrail on stairs if there is one? Only when I want to make a grand entrance :P
16. What was the last thing you saw that made you smile? my cat
17. Do you have any tattoos that you don’t like anymore? I don't have a tattoo.
18. What was the last thing you sat on? My bed.
19. If a bug is in your car do you kill it or try to push it out your window? I would probably leave it, but leave the window open for it to leave of it's own accord.
20. Is there laundry in your room that could be done? Yeah...
What would I do without Fuckyeah surveys? They help fill so much content.

See you in the 'morrow!

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Mad and A Little Bit of Random Gaming

Hey...So I was contemplating what to blog about today when I noticed that last week I decided to try out vlogging, and was shocked that it has already become my most viewed post. Therefore it only seems logical that I continue as it is clearly what the people want. Unless there was all accidental viewings in which case, meh I'll just continue cause I need more content anyways. 

This is again another random video made of clips I found on my laptop and had no idea what to do with them. I promise in future things will be more recent and focused. But for now enjoy me just playing random games. 

See you in the 'morrow!

The Social Events

Hello! Today I actually did something. I got out of the house and had a life! Well I lie I also did something social on Saturday. OH CRAP! I forgot to blog about Saturday. I could have done that yesterday. Oh well. 

The guys and myself went laser tag. YAY! It started off with I double checking we could play at the desired time. It turns out we could play so yay. Now we had time to kill so I went and got my usual from Amy, ran briefly into Siobhan and sat outside in the shade waiting for Jamie and Kia. 

They arrived and we talked and walked to the laser tag place, where we met up with the others. And then we paid and sat around making tactics. We then met with the group of people that were to join us in our first game. So we had the Red Team: Dean, Jade, Jamie, Dale, Kia, and myself. vs the Blue Team: Emma, Emily, Lish, Giancarlo, Tom, Connor and Jamie (the original Jamie, the other was a newbie) for 20 minutes of hecticness. I played as Loki, and Lish was Thor which was just pure genius and we proved that Loki is clearly the better sibling as I shot her more times. And Red Team one, completely thrashing the other team. I also hit Connor and Giancarlo around 50 times each so that was an achievement. 

After this we had a small break including more tactics discussions, score result comparisons. Then talking to our new friends about organising another laser tag session soon before they left us. ONTO OUR NEXT GAME! Team Red: Lish, Kia, Emma, Emily and myself. vs Team Blue: Giancarlo, Tom, Connor and Jamie. AND THE RED TEAM WON! Woop! This round I managed to shoot Giancarlo 91 times. and I got the second highest score. YES!

After this, we went to the foodcourt, and spoke about couples in our school, and previous relationships, and Giancarlo's coffee high. As well as Kia and I sharing a chip Lady and the Tramp style. All whilst watching Amy at work. Then we wandered around the city and then eventually went our separate ways.

And that is probably the only social thing I will do in a while.

See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 28 July 2014

How To Make: Loombands (Single)

The weekend is over, and it is back to blogging. But since it is the summer holidays I don't really do a lot, so that means I really lack in blog content. So I was stalking my friends blogs and found that they were making how to: videos for baking. Well I don't bake so don't expect me to show how to make you some delicious treats. Instead I am going to show you something that follows an annoying craze. I am going to show you how to make Loombands. 

As I have mastered the skill in making a variety of loombands it means I can spread out this content amongst the weeks, and then I don't really have to think much about what to blog about. However I feel no-one will care for loombands by the time I am finished. I guess it will be nice to have if the craze ever came back. I wish scoobies came back. Anyone remember them?

Anywho...In this post I will show you how to make these loombands. The simplest of loombands. They are called singles because they can never find a lover, as no-one is willing to put a ring on it. But I will show you two methods to make these beauties. 

What you will need: 
A loom board (only for second method) 
A crochet hook (again only for second method) 
An S clip
And a fuck load of loombands. 

Step 1: Choose a colour and grab it!
Step 2: Take your next band (you can choose a different colour) 
and fold it around the first one
Step 3: Continue this again and again.
(Around 24 will make a reasonably sized bracelet)
Step 4: You should have something like this,
unless something has gone horribly wrong.
(Not sure this counts as a step)
Step 5: Grab an S clip.
Step 6: Attach it to the band like so.

Step 7: Attach it to the other side of the loomband, if not, it's not a bracelet.
Step 8: Wear it and look fabulous.
So that's how you can make the bracelets without the board, but just incase you are curious (or do not understand the other method. Here is how to make a loomband, using a loom board and a crochet hook. 
Step 1: Place desired band diagonally (not diagon alley) onto the hooks. (Ensure the semicircle is facing you, like in the picture.)
Step 2: Place second band diagonally like the picture
(this is what the pictures are for people!)
Step 3: Do the same with the third band (and so on and so forth)
Until you reach the end of the loom board.
Step 4: (Again not sure if this is really a step)
 You should have something that looks like this. 
Step 5: (The complicated part...kinda) Turn to the last band you added.
Ignore it, and unhook the second to last
                                       (e.g pink.) and hook it on to it's own peg.
Step 6: Unhook the next band and hook it over.
Step 7: Continue this with the rest of the bands
(You should get the picture by now)
Step 8: (Just another check up really) It should look something like this.
Step 9: Return to the starting end (from way in the beginning)
                  And place the crochet hook under the first band.
Step 10: Lift it off the peg, and keep it on the hook.
Step 11: (THE BEST BIT!!!) Pull off the bands from the board using the hook.
Step 12: You should have something like this.
Step 13: Remove the band from the hook
and pinch the fold.
Step 14: Add an s clip to that end of the band.
Step 15: Attach the clip to the other side to form the bracelet.
Step 16: You can now look fantabulous.

And TWADA! You should now have mastered the skill. Unless these were useless in which case I am sorry, I tried my best. But I will return and try to show you some more exciting loom band creations.

See you in the 'morrow!

Friday, 25 July 2014

The Hypothetical Situation

Hey, so today is something different. Well not really cause it's a tag and I do tags all the time, but today I stole the idea off newbie blogger Maddy. So this is the Hypothetical situations tag and you should check out Maddy's version as well if you need something good to read. :P Enjoy!

1. If you could live anywhere on earth, where would you live?
 Hmm probably Japan, cause it looks so cool over there, but I probably won't actually live there.
2. Would you be willing to reduce your lifespan by 10 years to become rich and famous?Definitely not.
3. If you won $1,000,000 on the lottery, what would you do? Save some for future purposes, share with friends and family, and donate to some charities. 
4. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat? Pineapple

5. Would you rather be deaf or blind? I'd rather be deaf, because sometimes people's voices just irritate me. 
6. If you were in X-Men, what would your mutation be? I do like Rogues ability to steal the power of others. 
7. If you were really a robot, would you want to know? Nah.
8. If an inexplicable phenomenon occurs and it gives you the "right of alternate history". You get the chance to rewrite a moment in your past. What would you change? How would it change your actual life? I think things would be very different if I changed the thing I wish to change, but things are pretty great now so I don't see the need to change it. The past the past, it should just stay there.
9. If you could have complete knowledge of any 5 things, what would you want to know? How to speak Japanese. How a guys mind works. How to speak cat. That's all I really want to know. The other two can be anything just for fun.
10. If you could be famous for anything of your choice, what would it be? For doing something heroic and kind.
11. If you could send 10 words to your 14 year old self, what would those words be? When life brings you lemons you have some lemons. (Damn that's 9 umm...) Quamba. 
12. If you were to go to a star wars themed dress up party, who would you go as? (Same with harry potter, hunger games, disney, doctor who, merlin, how i met your mother, big bang theory, regular costume party) Star Wars: Well I am the right height for Yoda. Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood. Hunger Games: Rue. Disney: Ursula. Doctor Who: Umm... Clockwork Droid would be fun. Merlin: Morgana. How I Met Your Mother: The Mother. Big bang Theory: Amy. Regular Costume Party: Sailor Mars.  
13. Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was? Forget myself cause if I remember those I trust then they can help me remember. 
14. If you had to travel 100 years into the past or the future, which way would you go? Future cause if you change something in the past it changes the present and I couldn't risk that. That's like time travel rule number one guys. 
15. If after dying you can choose to become any living thing other than a human, what would you pick? A cat. Cause they sleep all fucking day. 

See you in the 'morrow!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Mad and A Little Bit of Bowling

If you are reading this, I can only assume you have read the previous blog first. If not, why not? DO THINGS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! Anywho... Basically this is my kind of trial for starting "vlogs". As you can tell by the title there are going to have catchy headings that closely relate to the name of my blog, clever huh? No? Oh Whatever... Moving on... So I found some footage on my laptop from ages ago....Lish's Birthday party to be precise. And I decided to edit that together and make a cutesie little vlog out of it. I also wrote a blog post about that day so if you want to read that Click Here! 

Anywho this is a video up on my new youtube channel (same name as this blog to make things easier, don't worry I will make it look all pretty later) and it is basically just a few clips of my friends and I attempting bowling. So please enjoy, and yeah! Let me know if I should do more things like this. Or not. Your call. 

See you in the 'morrow!


Hi there. So after a discussion with my friends a couple of days ago, I decided to do something I haven't done in a long time. Upload videos to Youtube. I think I have mentioned before that a few years ago some friends and I decided to put random videos of our lives up on youtube, mainly just for memory purposes, rather than seeking to become famous (However we felt that could have been a nice bonus) Anywho... About 7 months ago we kind of gave up as it became more difficult to film things as we were busy and it was just ugh, so we gave up. Some of our videos were pretty popular, not Pewdiepie popular, but for a small unknown youtuber I say we did pretty good. 
 (Old Channel unicornsoftherainbow )

But anyway, the dream kind of died. Even though I still wanted to be a big part of youtube as it is kind of my life now, and ever since I started this blog I had considered vlogging and sharing it on here, so I didn't have to type out as much, cause sometimes that frustrates me. So back to the conversation, Maddy (a new Blogger you should check out ) suggested people start making videos again, and I thought this was a good idea. 

After going through my laptop I found some footage I have taken earlier this year annd never shared with anyone. So I thought this could be a good starting point to see how things turn out. And Basically be the starting point for the whole new Vlog thing. Following this is going to be a link to a post I am going to write shortly (I know confusing right?) that is going to be the way I kind of do vlogs now. Please tell me what you think. If you care. I probably wont get any responses will I? No I'm just a weird girl chatting to herself to feel more normal. Yes that made perfect sense. 

See you in the 'morrow!

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Yes you read the title correctly. Yesterday I told you that it was my last day at school, which was correct, but technically today was supposed to be my last day, but I skipped it. I had a legit reason though guys. Reason numero Uno: it was the last day, what are we actually going to do on a last day? Number 2: I would have only had private study making it more pointless as I would have just sat on my own doing nothing. Three: It is my mum's birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) and I would rather spend the day with her. 

So here is what happened. Hal and I got ready to be picked up by our grandparents to be taken to Hemsby to visit my mum for her birthday. We decided to leave our house early and start walking towards where they would be heading from. On this walk we saw some really pretty butterflies. The drive there wasn't too bad, I mainly listened to music and read a bit, then Nannie got a bit lost and we ended up going the wrong way, but we got there in the end so that is all that matters. 

When we got there I said hey to my other Nanny and my mum and dad and then I was forced to make them all tea. So we sat outside in the sun, which wasn't too bad I guess. And the whole time was pretty much spent me making loom band bracelets for people. so much fun. Then we went to a pub for lunch and it was nice, and we sat outside after we ate our food and we just talking about random things. My nannie was being mean to me though calling me a pest :/ No-one stuck up for me either! 

After this we drove back to the caravan (this was where we were before just realised that I didn't mention this earlier) And we went to the arcadey bit and I didn't win a lot considering what I spent, and what I won I mainly gave to my mother. Then I made yet more loom bands had some birthday cake and pretty much had an identical journey home, despite the going the wrong way. So I am very happy I missed school for this. Even though I did miss everyone, however I will see them all soons. 

See you in the 'morrow! 

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

A Day of Lasts

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! But Elli you don't know anyone who has a birthday today? Doesn't mean that it's not someone's birthday out there. Hmm? Anywho, today was a day of lasts, for it was my last day of school, so it was my last Biology lesson, my last psychology lesson, my last break and lunchtime. It was kind of emotional. But then I realised I will probably face this all again next year (if I get the grades) but then it will be my actual last time, and that's pretty sad. It will be the end. 

Thinking about finally leaving school is pretty weird, what am I going to do with my life? School is all I know! But anywho... Today I had a lay in and said goodbye to my parents as they abandon me and my sister for the next few days. Then I went to buy my mum a birthday card with Emily and we were discussing whether to go funny or sweet. I went funny. Then we got to school at break and I was all I will miss you so much Jessie (as I would not have seen her late) and then I headed to double biology with Emily where we did some colouring. So much fun. 

After this I had some errands to do, so I did them and then we just sat around talking about things, and I can't really remember much. Which is strange. Anywho... Then is was a single psychology as we got to leave early and our teacher (who will never teach us again :'( ) got us pizza and ice cream. YUM! Then I went home on the bus and had a takeaway with my sister and played some sims and got amazed I can recreate being human with some of the expansion packs I got, and yeah. Blogging!

See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 21 July 2014


Good *insert suitable time period here*. So the pointless week is over so you would expect me to have more interesting blog content. This isn't entirely true, but this is just an equally pointless two days so what the hell lets just be surrounded by pointlessness. 

I kind of lost the plot a little in the introduction, but whatever. Let's just get to talking about my day. So I woke up at 6:30 and had some Nesquick, the only worthy breakfast cereal. And then got ready and headed for the bus at usual time and IT WAS EARLY! UGH! So I got my mum to give me a lift to the Co-op in Hellesdon so all was good. I got to school at break time and apparently I walked through the door as Jessie was all "I bet she is skiving" TAKE THAT JASS! Jokes I loves yous <3 

After this was double biology with Emily, and as it was our last lesson of the year with Bingham she let us have a fun kind of lesson where we had to make educational videos using props. Emily and I used play foam to make a model of a Brain and had a jellybaby Mascot called Brian, and we made a cute stop motion film. Play foam is super fun until you have to try and split the colours apart. Anywho... Then it was lunch where for the first 5 minutes Emily and I were just squishing the play foam onto peoples arms. The rest was spent with people trying to unlock my phone, and Amy, Lish and I deciding what to do after 6th form. It is either we are going to run our own food truck and incorporate our skills from 6th form to make it work (apparently there was also going to be prostitution on the side) or a day care service, based on the career I wanted in Maddy's sims game. 

Following lunch I decided to stay behind and complete some Media work, so I got that done,  and then Kia called and I spoke to her which was weird since we haven't actually spoken since last year. Then I went home on ze late bus and yeah.

See you in the 'morrow!

Friday, 18 July 2014

The British Tag

IT'S TOO HOT FOR LIFE! I think this is my new catchphrase. I've said it a lot recently, because everytime I go and do something it is just too hot and I don't want to do it anymore. As you can tell by the title this is The British Tag, and yes Lish thank you for letting me borrow this idea from you. So here we go: 

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day and how many sugars? I really love tea, but I rarely drink it at home because it means I'll have to make the household a cup, so yeah. But I had two cups at Jessie's this week in really fancy ass tea cups. Also I don't add sugar cause I don't like adding sugar to things, and tea tastes perfectly good on it's own.
2. Favourite part of your roast? Well as a vegetarian I don't like the meat, so that's out. But I love everything else. Mainly it would have to be Yorkshire puddings, sometimes Hal and I just make some on their own and eat them as a snack. However my  Nanny makes the best homemade roast potatoes. 
3. Favourite dunking biscuit? You cannot go wrong with a classic rich tea biscuit. 
4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime? Definitely a tea party.

5. Favourite word? Dandy! 
6. Cockney Rhyming slang? Don't really know any *googles this shit* ok I like Rub-a-Dub which means pub.
7. Favourite sweet? hmm...Those Lollies I don't know the name of (great work there Elli)
8. What would your pub be called?  Well before I found the answer to 6. It was going to be Puzzles (Someone please get the HIMYM reference) but now it just has to be The Rub-A-Dub Pub.
9. Number 1 British person? My mum.
10. Favourite Shop/Restaurant? Shop- Primark (only place I really go) Restaurant- NANDOS!
11. What British song pops into your head? The Kinks- Sunny Afternoon
12. Marmite? UGH NO!

So that was that. Pretty interesting, parts of me think that doesn't make me sound very British, but what the hell. 

See you in the 'morrow!

Thursday, 17 July 2014

A Sunny Afternoon

Hiya! Today was a pretty good day, and I will tell you for why. This fabulous day was spent with my friends at the park. However it was too sunny and I was dying, and apparently my face is slightly sunburnt and I am too scared to look at the damage.

So my day started off at 11am when I went to go meet Maddy at the park and we chatted a bit. So the others planned to meet us later, but we thought we would go see if the other Horsfordinians could come and play a bit earlier. So first we headed to Emma's and there was no answer and we assumed she was out (later it turns out she was just in the shower) after that failure we went to go see if Claire was there and it turns out she wasn't either, but said she would be home shortly so we waited, basically on her doorstep for her, where we saw some dogs. 

Then I needed a drink so I went back to my house and offered people some orange juice, and just casually came in and out of my house for various things. Next we went to the bus stop where the guys planned to get off and waited for them. Once we saw the bus go past we were like what? Then we got texts saying they were already at the park and I was annoyed cause they said they were going to get off at this bus stop! But we walked to the park and met up with everyone and it was good. 

We played some Mafia and Uno, for a few hours, there was a lot of confusion and raging at people, as well as funny jokes and shiz. Then we went to the shop to buy food and Maddy had to leave us for she needed to get a train to see her boyfriend. We then returned to the park and played yet more uno, and then did some chilling and played ball games, and I spammed Giancarlo's phone with pictures, we played a lot more mafia, and then before we knew it, it was 5, so we some people thought about heading home, and some of us went on the turtle swing and the slide and things, as if we were kids again, and then we all went our separate ways.

It was a great day and I wish we could do things like this again cause they don't really cost anything and we still get to see each other and have a good time. 

See you in the 'morrow!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Chilling and Media Work

Hello! Another short blog today as not much can really be said about the events. You will have to forgive me, but I feel sometimes shorter blogs are better because you don't have to read through loads of writing, that you probably don't even remember anyway, yet you still get something to take you mind off whatever you are meant to be doing right now. 

So as we are supposed to be doing work this week, I went round Jessie to complete our Media work. I got there at around 1 and we chilled for like 15 minutes before starting work. It began with the prep for pictures, like getting props and things, and for mine we needed things for a tea party (which is why I sent a picture of a tea set to people on snapchat, it was not just for us to drink tea! Even though we did that as well, cause why the fuck not?) So we took the pictures we needed, and in between that we sent people some snapchats. 

And thus we were finished, an hour after me arriving. Which is good for me and Jessie cause usually when I plan to do media work with her we sit there for hours chilling and then think crap we have to do our media work, but today we were responsible. So once we were finished we chilled playing games and going on facebook. Then Momo arrived with a Mcdonalds for himself and we discussed when Mcdonalds was invented. Then Giancarlo disappeared, Jessie and I ate some ice cream and Momo returned with Eddie. But like half an hour later I had to leave, so I left and came home and watched youtubes and did some work, and here we are. 

That was actually pretty reasonably sized. See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 14 July 2014

The Pointless Week

Hey there! So this week is an incredibly pointless week. It is Independent Learning Week. Basically I think the school can't be bothered to teach us anymore so they have given us a week off to "do work" at home. Then we have to go back for 3 days next week which is pretty pointless and and my last fucking day is just private study! UGH LIFE! 

Anywho, so most of this week I have actually made plans to just chill out and have fun. Over the weekend all I did was play sims and the rest of the week is spent on various activities involving seeing my friends in various locations. Yep I am fully using this time wisely. But don't get me wrong I did some work today, and went out for a meal with the grandparents, which was yum. But I made some foldables for Biology and pretty much have that completed, so now I just have to finish Media, which I am going to do with Jessie on Wednesday and ensure I have my other Biology work finish which I'll probably try and do on Friday, then most of my week is devoted to fun.

However since I did not go to school I don't really have a lot to say cause there are no stories about my friends or lessons so it is just like, I was asleep, I woke up, I went for a meal, I did some biology. Super fun! So yeah... Sorry about that. Will probably happen a lot the week, cause like I said, it's pointless.

See you in the 'morrow!