Monday 2 June 2014

And the Job Journey Continues....

HEY! So today has been pretty good for one main reason which I am going to explain however you may all assume from the title what the news is. You are correct. I am pregnant. With a job interview. My job journey is continuing! Yay! As you may or may not know I had a group interview at Build-A-Bear and I wasn't too sure if I was going to be asked back because I had not yet gotten the promised email.

So I was at school, just casually in the study center revising for an exam, when Amy was like hey cause she needed a small distraction, so i decided to check my phone whilst chatting. When I noticed I had two missed calls from my mum. At this point I was worried that something bad had happened, so I went outside and called her back. And she told me that Build-A-Bear called to organise a second interview! Success! I am that one step closer to getting a job!

I called Build-A-Bear when I got home and my next interview is on Wednesday at 5 so wish me luck guys! Not that you all probably care. But I care, cause I really want this job. Not just for the money (even though that would be great) but because I just think it would be fun, and I'd gain experiences, and I would like the distraction away from school. Cause after reading Amy's blog working sounds fun and is a nice escape. And I don't think I can get stressed there because I'd be surrounded by toys and children and a positive atmosphere. 

So I am now very excited, I just hope I don't mess up :/ 

See you in the 'morrow!

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