Thursday 26 June 2014

A Nice Wednesday?

HAAAIIII GUUURRRLLL! Or Guy. Decide for yourself which one you want to be. Today was a combination of good and bad so lets just get on and talk about it.

Because I am super cool I got on the bus with my dad today, but ignored him to sit with Emma and we spoke about our plan to see The Fault In Our Stars today. Then we got to school and we waited for people and people turned up and we talked and stuff and it was nice. Then I went to my first double of PS, alone. It wasn't nice. I managed to get a lot of work done though. Right as I finished Amy and Siobhan came in and we looked to see if we could get seats for our cinema trip, it looked ok. 

Then it was break and as usual I forget what happened, but I assume it was mainly talk about the fault in our stars. OH I remember Giancarlo wearing his McDonalds hat, he looked so cute. I then returned to more private study with Jessie. I got lots of hugs, did some work and made fun of Jamie. It was pretty good. Then there was this really weird part at the end of the 2 hours which was just why? 

Moving onto lunch where Tom played this game with Giancarlo, and Jessie made Momo have a small freak out, and I received many snap chats. After this was double media where we did work on Wes Anderson films and had to make our own sequence in his style and when we were done we got to leave. So I managed to leave early and headed to Lish's and us, Amy, and Siobhan headed down to the bus stop and got a bus to the city.

Our first stop was to BK where we got some foods and chatted to Amy's employees, and it was a fun environment even if I did have to wait like forever for some friggen fries. So the four of us ate, then got a drink from boots and headed to Vue to wait for the others, this wait also felt like it took forever. Finally they all slowly arrived and tickets were purchased, then we waited around for the film to start. (I shall not give spoilers for those who have not seen the film or read the book) It was fun to watch with people cause I mainly just made sexual references the whole way through which led me to laugh at seriousness which was not good. 

And now the film is over and we leave going our separate ways and having more random conversations, and Claire coming onto me ;) I got home and have been strangely tired all day. So I am going to get some sleeps now. Nighty Night.

See you in the 'morrow!

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