Monday 16 June 2014

A2 Such Joy.

Today I went back to sixth form. YAY! A2 such joy. So far it doesn't seem like I had any time off, it just felt normal. But I still don't see the point of starting the course when we don't even know if we got the grades to get in, but whatever. 

I did not enjoy waking up early, but I walked to school and was just talking to people about things. Then I headed to private study with people where I did a reasonable amount of work for psychology. After this hour Jessie and I abandoned Lish to go to Media with Champs, were we were supposed to do research for our coursework, and we kind of did this, but sir got distracted by talking to us about A-Levels and things, so not a lot of work was produced. 

Break next and again I can't remember a lot that happened. So we return to private study where I did more work for Psychology. Found out I am still ahead of Lish in pageviews YES! And Amy was deciding what she should do, and Lish told her to blog and she was like "What should I blog about?" Then randomly started kicking Lish's foot and was like I can blog about this. We then discussed how Siobhan and Claire have not blogged in a while, then got sad cause we remembered Claire wasn't there when she should have been. This led me to offering to be Amy's chaperone to her maths lesson as she no longer had Claire to go with her. After this was pointless conference where we had to look into Uni's which I am still certain I am not going to but I decided to play along and search for courses. I found one I wouldn't mind doing which is at the UEA and involves Nursing those with disabilities. 

This was followed by Lunch where we all took this quiz to discover how many goats we are worth. I am worth 7 goats. So keep that in mind anyone that wants to purchase me. Just give my father 7 goats and you are all set. This pretty much took up the whole of Lunchtime, so Emily and I headed to double biology with Quakers and it was good because it was relaxed and she let the rats run around and they are so cute! Pretty much the whole lesson Emily and I were watching one of the rats climb on our bags and things. We then came up with an experiment based on a conversation from lunch which I only just remembered but cannot be bothered to go back and change it. I'm not sure I want to tell you all about it though. I think I will keep it a secret ;)

See you in the 'morrow!

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