Saturday 31 May 2014

My Interesting Interview

Hey, so I had my interview yesterday (sorry I didn't write about it then, but I got distracted by things and people. But anywho. For some reason I woke up at like 6 and I was like WAA! Cause I felt like if I stayed awake I would be tired for my interview at 5pm so I forced myself to take naps but they weren't really working out, so I just gave up and watched tv.

I then showered and packed and prepared and watched more tv. Then I went to the city to get some shoes because all shoes I own don't look professional. I then went to BK and saw Amy working (I got my usual) and she gave me this drawing of a bear and it said good luck on it, she had it already prepared! It was so cute and made me feel a lot better (thank you Amy!) Then as I still had time I wandered around the city, and witnessed this random violent attack. 

I felt insanely overdressed, cause when I finally got into the shop others, there for the interview, were dressed slightly more casual. Ugh. But I kept a smile on my face to show enthusiasm. The interview was at Build-A-Bear and it was with a group of other people and we were told to pick a toy and then dress them, as well as saying amazing facts about ourselves, then the rest was mainly about how the shop ran and when we'd be available. Overall I think it went pretty well, but everyone there was pretty much on the same level. I was the only one who asked a question so I feel that may have got me noticed. 

They said they would email about a 1-1 interview, but I haven't gotten anything yet, but it hasn't even been 24 hours so I'm not going to be all :/ about it. I will get one when I get one, and if I don't then I am grateful for the opportunity to go to the group interview. 

After this  I went home, ate an ice cream, youtubed, facebooked and slept. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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