Tuesday 24 June 2014

Another Post About 6th Form

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, Welcome. Don't ask what that was, I have no idea myself. But anywho, let's get to some blogging!  

Today I had a wonderful lay in and said goodbye to my sister who is leaving me for 3 days! :'( I miss her already. So I walked to school with Emily discussing biology, and when I got to school it was so hot! During break I did some snapchatting and spoke about random things. Moving onto double biology where we did this experiment with woodlice, and I got very attached to four of them, Phillip, Carl, Sheila and the misbehaved Brian. 

After this was lunch where I took many pictures of Amy and Lish, some inappropriate things were said. I remember laughing a lot at Amy, but that is really it. So now we move on to psychology, where we watched the rest of A beautiful mind, through which I was mainly facebooking my mum and she was making me laugh with some of the things she said and it just so happened to be during serious parts of the film. Awkward. When this finished we looked at things we could do for our projects. We got to leave early, so Maddy, Emily and I sat in the common room talking about the rain and other things.

I went home on the late bus after this with Emily and Amy where we discussed jobs and snapchat and the events of tomorrow, which shall be exciting. Then the late bus driver managed to drop me off practically at my house which was great. And then home where the missing Hal started, so I decided to make myself a peanut butter and nutella milkshake. It was so yummy!

See you in the 'morrow!

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