Sunday 15 June 2014

What is Wrong With Me?

Well this question tends to have many answers for many different reasons. But that is not what I am referring to today. Maybe some other time when I am going through a moment of self-hatred as I tend to do that often. But I digress. In this post I am referring to a change that has happened and I have no idea why.

Today was the second time I have chosen to do work outside of school, without anyone telling me to do it. And if you know me this is extremely weird, because I barely do work I am supposed to do. But yet I have been doing work on my own, which is a first. So it got me thinking if something was wrong with me. Because why have I decided to change all of a sudden for no apparent reason. Maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something. Like maybe I'm dying and it wants me to be more productive and achieve something positive in my final moments. 

However I doubt that. I think I am just bored and it got to the point where I think instead of just moping around I should think more about my future and do something to help it. Mainly because my whole job hunt isn't go so well. However I am certain I do not want to go to Uni so my job search better get somewhere soon. 

Anywho, it's late, I have school tomorrow and I am tired so I am going to end this here. But yeah you should all be proud of me that I am actually doing something good for once. Maybe doing the work now means that I will be less stressed when it comes to exams, and that sounds pretty good. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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