Thursday 12 June 2014

Tags are Back!

Ok so I didn't really do a lot today, so I guess Tags are back. YAY! I'm not sure what this is actually called, but I found it on the tinterwebs. For some reason they are split into random categories but whatever you still get the same kind of thing. Enjoy!
1. Name – Elinore Mae Brown (ugh)
2. Nicknames – Elli, Ellums, Ewa, EllsBells, Mushroom, Beryll, Elsley Miffin, Shall I go on?
3. Any birth marks – Not that I know of
4. Hair color – Like this weird Red/Brown but I'm dying it a purpley colour soon.
5. Natural hair color – Brown ugh, so boring.
6. Eye color – Brown, with some green around the edge in certain lighting.
7. Height – 5 ft 3!
8. Mood - Meh
9. Favorite color – Blue
Are You?
1. Are you single - Yes.

2. Are you happy – Yes, I am reasonably happy
3. Are you bored – Yeah Kind of, blogging's helping a bit though.
4. Are you naked – Yes...Under my clothes :O 
5. Are you a blonde – Nopes
6. Are you moody – Quite a lot.
7. Are you a lover/hater – Depends on who I am loving or hating. 
8. Are you hot/cold – I am hot, it's too hot. I don't like it :/
Love Life:
1. Do you believe in love at first sight – Not really
2. Do you believe in soulmates – Kinda
3. Have you ever been hurt emotionally – Yes, a lot.
4. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? – Doubt it, people tend to break my heart.
5. Ever had your heart broken? – Yeah a little :/
6. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? - Yes and hopefully to this day I don't think he knows about it, but I don't like him anymore so it doesn't really bother me. 
7. Are you afraid of commitment? – Not really
8. Who was the last person you hugged? – Hal
9. Who was the last person you said I love you to? – My mum.
Partner Preferences:
1. Smile or eyes – Eyes
2. Light or dark hair – Darkish
3. Hugs or kisses – Oh um..hmm...I can't chose!
4. Shorter or taller – Taller
5. Intelligence or attraction – Intelligence
6. Romantic or spontaneous – umm...there needs to be a bit of both
7. Funny or serious – Funny
8. Older or Younger – A little bit older I guess
9. Outgoing or quiet – Outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad Ass – Sweet
This Or That:
1. Love or lust –Love
2. Cats or dogs – CATS!
3. A few best friends or many regular friends – I'd rather have few best friends cause it's more close and personal, but I have many regular friends and that's great so yeah...
4. Television or internet – Oh god Internet. You can watch TV on it now anyway so.
5. Chinese Or Indian – Neither really but more towards Indian
6. Wild night out or romantic night in – Probably a romantic night in
7. Money or Happiness – Happiness 
8. Night or Day – Night
9. MSN or Phone – Who even uses MSN anymore? Phone!
10. Flowers or candy? – Candy. IT'S SO GOOD!
11. Gray or black? – Black
12. Color or Black and white photos? – Coloured
13. Sunrise or sunset?- Probably Sunset
14. Staying up late or waking up early? – It has to be staying up late
15. Sun or moon? – Moon
16. Winter or Summer? – I hate both, but I guess Winter, cause snuggles and hot chocolate.
17. Left or right? – Right...
18. acquaintances or having two best friends? – Two Best Friends
19. Sun or rain? – Rain, there's just something about it
20. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? – Chocolate!!!!!
21. Vodka or Jack Daniels? – Probably Vodka
Have You Ever?
1. Been caught sneaking out – Well I've only snuck out once and I was not caught. I'm such a rebel.
2. Been skinny dipping - No
3. Bungee jumped – Nopes
4. Lied to someone you liked – Well duh, you have to pretend you don't like them, and that involves lying. 
5. Finished an entire jaw breaker – Nopes
6. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – Eh, definitely not anymore. 
7. Cried because you lost a pet – Yes...
8. Wanted to disappear – A lot of times.
In the last month, have you:
1. Had a relationship? – No
2. Bought something? – Yes
3. Sang – I sing everyday
4. Been hugged – I get hugs everyday
5. Felt stupid – I feel stupid 94% of the time
6. Missed someone – Yeah...

See you in the 'morrow!

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