Monday 9 June 2014

Well Done Guys

I like how I said I was going to come back and then I do not blog the next day. Well done Elli. Well done. Anywho, my reasoning was I was out and had no time to blog. So yeah. Just deal with it. 

Yesterday we were celebrating my best friend/sister's birthday (even though it is actually her birthday today) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSIE!!! It is also Connor's birthday today cause our group of friends just love to share birthday's so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Anywho... I got to Jessie's at 12 and Eddie was there and they were playing borderlands. Then several minutes later Tom snuck into the house and scared the hell out of Eddie, and provided the group with energy drink. After this we were all wondering where Momo was. He was late, because he was making food. This meant we did not leave the house til gone 2 for our picnic. 

So we walked to Waterloo Park, in the heat and it was UGH. The sun is just evil. So we spent a few minutes deciding where to sit, and found a nice spot in the shade and gots all the picnic stuff. There was this band playing at the park so Eddie, Tom and I went to go dance to it. We tickled Jessie a bit, and ate some food. Then we went to go look at tadpoles and froglets and they were so cute, and tickled as they nibbled on my fingers. 

Then we left and went to a park with a zip wire and went on that and then on a turtle swing where Jessie and I got super dizzy. After this we trekked back in the heat. HOW COULD IT BE SO HOT? I saw Hal on the bus and waved. Then I lost my hat and had to walk all the way back for it. That was not fun.

We got back to Jessie's at about 5 then had tea and cakes. I drank a fuck load of tea and ate a fuck load of mini jam tarts. We tried to teach Giancarlo how to be British by letting him try scones, but he messed up putting the Jam in it, he put it on top instead. Well done Giancarlo. Well Done. Then we skyped Charles for the remainder of the night, watched youtube, watched in the flesh (got really sad by the ending :'( ) had a late night McDonald's said Happy Birthday to Jess as it turned midnight, and then went to sleeps. I then woke up at 7 this morning got given tea walked to school  Got home to a pizza. Yum. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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