Friday 6 June 2014

My Week of Weird

As most of my blogs recently have been about Job searching, I feel like I owe you something different. So I shall talk about my week!. I don't know why I just put a full stop after the exclamation mark. I do that a lot. My brain is just programed to add full stops even though I already have an accepted way to end the sentence. So a lot of my time is spent deleting the extra punctuation point because I am weird like that. ANYWHO....

We'll start with Saturday: It was a kind of lazy day. Hal and I watched some tv, mainly Supernanny and Wife Swap USA, because they are always more crazy. We have been laughing, over the rest of the week, about how this woman pronounced the name Tyler, and she believed that he was an alien. It was pretty funny.

Sunday: I went to Hemsby with the famalam. When there, we ate some chips and I also had a slush and some bubblegum ice cream which is soo good! Then Hal and I were shocked by how they replaced the fun house! I know! What is this madness? Then we played on the arcades and I won like four Little Big Planet figurines. I SHALL GET THEM ALL!

Monday: Went to school and revised for my Biology exam. I offered to babysit Maddy's boyfriend on Friday, spoke with people about things. Found out about my second interview.Had my exam, which went ok... Then was given a TCO by Maddy (which I demolished in minutes) and missed the late bus so walked to the bus stop with Emily.

Tuesday: Most of the day was spent at home, watching youtube. 
Wednesday: The day of my solo interview, I was nervous and went to the city with Hal, had a nandos, bought Jessie her birthday present, and got me some new headphones. Then sat in the food court discussing my interview. Then I had the interview, which I thought went pretty good but apparently not, then Home.

Thursday: I stayed at home all day. Felt a bit ill. Watched Tv and Youtubes. Made some pasta. Thursday was so much fun.

Friday(Today): I went to 6th form for no reason other than to babysit Maddy's Boyfriend Tom (TOO MANY TOM'S IN MY LIFE (which we discussed today)) We went to the park and just sat on the swings and the guys were being strangely feminine. Then we walked back to meet with Maddy after her Maths exam. I saw Claire who I have not seen for more than two weeks :'( Then Claire and Amy went on the late bus, and I stayed with Connor, Maddy and Tom just talking about random things. Then we left to go to the shop and I was waving at Amy and Claire then the late bus driver thought I was waving to him which was awkward. At the shop we got some ice creams and I ended up kissing Maddy on the cheek, which did not make Tom happy, and now I am home, blogging! 

So that was my week. It was quite enjoyable but it went unusually fast. Anywho, bye for now!

See you in the 'morrow!

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