Tuesday 10 June 2014

Slightly Bull****!

Today was nice I guess. For some reason I had to go into 6th form and attended an assembly and if I did not go they would not let me into A2. Which is slightly bullshit. But I went cause I'd like A2 to be an option if I get the grades. 

So I was on the bus and got a text from Emma who apparently was also on the bus but she sat on top and I sat on the bottom and never knew until she got off and we were like hey. On the way we spotted Amy walking to Lish's and was like forget Lish we are better. Love you really Lishill <3 

At school we spoke about things (cannot remember anything) then headed to the hall for the pointless assembly. Why was it pointless? Because they mainly talked about Uni applications. I don't want to go to Uni! I have already made a plan, you know the one which I thought of when I was in the tub. So I was just sitting there bored, being given leaflets and was like this isn't going to help me. Then they sent us to a computer room for an hour to research courses and I found none that I wanted to do in the area I wish to be in. Because I don't want to be far away. I like it here.

We also had to answer a questionnaire on our year 12 experience and I was like I have no idea for half of them. Then Maddy told us the devastating news that she cannot continue to be in our psychology class because one lesson will clash with further maths which is slightly bullshit! 

The only good thing about today was that I got to see my friends after a while. So that was nice. And I got juice. I like juice. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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