Friday 6 June 2014


Normally I do not write an extra post, but today you get one because I have great news! I HAVE FINALLY GOTTEN MORE PAGEVIEWS THAN LISH!!!!!! I told you I'd do it, and do it I have. 

I would like to thank you all for my victory as it would not have been accomplished without you. I would mainly like to thank Connor who tried to boost the views more because it was for a good cause. 

I never usually say good things about Connor, because there is too much conflict, as we are opposites. However Connor does have his moments. For he is a loyal friend, and he can be funny, and generous and so I do feel a little bad for the way he is treated sometimes. But thank you for the help Connor!

And the rest of you are probably just bored. Either way...THANK YOU!

See you in the 'morrow!

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