Friday 20 June 2014

Film Friday...

Hello Folks! Today is a due post about my day, cause we haven't had one of them in a while. It may be quite short because not that much actually happened, but here we go.

To start off my day I had double psychology, where we watched this film about a guy who has schizophrenia and Maddy kept giving away spoilers. I also spent the first five minutes shocked because I could not believe it was Russell Crowe. I actually quite liked the film. Then it was break where Giancarlo spent the whole time wondering what life was because he could not believe a character in the film was actually a hallucination. 

Then I had media, where I watched yet another film! This one was The Royal Tenenbaums. And it was pretty good. Jessie and I realised something about our friendship, and even found a new handshake. After this we had Mentor early, and managed to finish before mentor was actually meant to begin which was a cheeky bonus. 

After this was lunch where I got very freaked out by conversations and Giancarlos riding of the chair. Ugh. Then some more things and stuff then Biology. The only lesson today where we did not watch a film but I did some colouring. Welcome to A2 ladies and gentlemen.

See you in the 'morrow!

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