Saturday 7 June 2014

The End of AS

I'm sorry guys I have cheated you. When I wrote that post a while ago explaining how I was going to be more relaxed with my posts while I had exams, I meant to restart the normal daily blog once they were over. And if you may or may not have noticed my last exam was actually on Monday, and since then I was not providing you with the correct service. I am sorry, but I just needed a break from everything. But I am back now! 

So what to talk about in this post. Well I might as well talk about the end of exams, and thus the end of AS. It has been a pretty fast year. Looking back I'm wondering how I even managed to learn enough to think I did well in the exams. Which I believe I did. I mean I don't think I got high grades, but I feel I have done enough to get to A2. Which I really want to do, because this year has been so fun, yeah it's had it's downsides, but mostly it has been fun, and I have gained some great memories. I have also made some new friends.
But seriously where did the year go? It felt like only yesterday I sat in my first biology lesson, labeling parts of the cardiovascular cycle and just sitting quietly in the corner wishing I had someone to talk to. Then later that day going to Dixons with Giancarlo and finding the best cake tin in the world. It was shaped like a man in his boxers ;) And now it is all over for me. I am starting A2 next week, that should be fun, and hopefully I can continue it onto next year. I have a better plan for if I do though. I am going to write notes in class, then go home and type up the notes, and combine them with notes from the textbooks. Then I am going to print that out, highlight the important stuff and make a revision card from it. Then when it comes to tests and mock exams and real exams I will already have folders and revision cards set up to work from and then maybe exam season won't be as stressful. 

I'm feeling a little scatty right now so I'm sorry if this isn't making sense. I should stop now, cause if not I am just going to confuse you. Besides there isn't much I can really talk about from my first year at 6th form because you know about it already as I have blogged about it. So yeah...See you in the 'morrow!

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