Monday 23 June 2014

Goodbye Weekends

Hey guys, sorry I didn't post ever the weekend, but I was busy, and then some shit went down and yeah. I apologise. but it got me thinking that I need a break on weekends and not much happens anyway so I might just give up. Therefore I have come to the decision that I shall now only post on weekdays, and if I decide to post on weekends it's cause it's important or some shiz. 

I say that when I actually did something this weekend, so I guess I shall talk about that today. On Saturday, I went to Hemsby with the family, to see my nanny. We went for a pub meal and it was great. I even got dessert. I wanted this ice cream sundae so went to ask for one and was like "do you add whipped cream?" (cause I don't like whipped cream) and they said no so I was like ok I'll have one and when they brought it out it fucking had whipped cream on it! They lied to my face! 

Then my dad and I briefly went to the beach to see how much it changed, and it did quite a bit. Then we went on the amusements and I won quite a fair bit. Then it was time for homes. On the way we stopped off at this gigantic Roys which you have to cross a road to get to the whole new section. There was even a McDonalds in there! I managed to walk away with some new shoes, so I was not complaining. And thus I was home
And Sunday was a lazy day and then some stuff happened I am not going to get into.

This kind of led into today and I wasn't feeling well so didn't go into school, but did some work at home and watched some TV and did housework. Ok it's getting late I am going to end it here.
 See you in the 'morrow!

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