Thursday 5 June 2014

And It's Over

In a previous post I mentioned how I had gotten a second interview. So yesterday I got all dressed up, after being taken for a lovely Nando's dinner with my sister, and I went to the solo interview. 

All the questions I had prepared for were not asked, but despite that fact I felt it went well, and everyone, including myself, felt pretty confident that I could finally get a job. But you might have guessed from the title that this was not the case.

This morning I received an email, where they spelt my name incorrectly, that I was not successful. Now to some people that is ok, and move on. But for me it's just ugh, cause when I get rejected it just lowers my self esteem, and I go into depressive mode where I feel I'm just worthless.

I even cried a little bit, because I thought if I couldn't get the job I considered myself perfect for, why would anyone else want me? I tried so hard and got nothing. Now that's either cause the other candidates were just better, and if so fair dose but I'm still sad about it, cause I really wanted it. But I guess I'm just going to have to pick myself up and start the job hunt. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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